Is this true: The higher the proof, the less the hangover?!
If you drink the same amount of whatever alcohol it is, which will you have more of a hangover with: low proof or high proof?
There is no rule about colour or strength when relating to a hangover.
The hangover is a result of dehydration, and that is down to the total amount of neat alcohol you drink, not how you drank it.
So 100ml of 40% alcohol will have the same hangover potential as 1L of 4% alcohol
The only ingredient that causes hangovers is ethanol. Different factors such as rate of consumption play in to the severity of the hangover. Higher proofs tend to cause worse hangovers because they can be consumed more quickly than beer or wine.
no the rule is, the darker the alcohol, the worse the hangover
the lower the proof the lower the alcohol content and lower chance of a hangover.
You logically get more of a hangover with higher proof because it has more alcohol.
no that s not true