What does one's breath smell like if alcoholic beverages have been consumed?!
If drank cheap beer you will smell like $hit. But if you drink quality beer or straight liqour, you will only smell like strong alcohol.
Im a drunkie
Depends on the booze. Clear liquor has less smell, but not matter what you do drink too much and you'll smell. Worse thing is you can't smell yourself. Best thing to do if you don't wan't anyone to think you smell like booze don't get close enough for anyone to smell you. Well, or don't drink booze.
It will smell like whatever alcohol they consumed and any other smells that are on their breath, like garlic or onions or decaying teeth...it is a single person thing, one cannot say how ALL people who drink alcohol breath smells, because not all people have the same smells/odors emanating from their mouths.
alcohol has a specific smell. It smells like alcohol. Go sniff a bottle of vodka or Everclear, and that's what your breath will smell like after you've drunk it.
It depends on the beverage. Since your question is so general, only a general answer is appropriate. It will smell like alcohol.
Mildly like rubbing alcohol, and less like the other ingredients that comprise the drink consumed.
College Experience
Strong, potent and spew.
Experience. I'm a bartender/mixologist. Getting people drunk is my job.
Jeeeez, breath doesn't smell!! Your nose does!
Just like the Alcohol they drank
****, lmao.