How much alcohol can a man who weighs about 60 kilos drink?!
On a single night? Till death which is around 15-20 drinks. 3-6 times a week? about 3-5 drinks. Every day? any amount.
Alcohol is toxic but your body does heal, with no complications a single non fatal dose of any toxin will have little to no chance of any permanent damage. Regular use however will and yes wight undoubtedly play a factor in this. Think you never ingest toxin? Not likely almost any medication from Advil and NyQuil (Which in a gel capsule or liquid form contains alcohol) to Prescription meds.
If you drink until you fall over and wake up with no clothes and a burning crack every night that is a problem. Otherwise 2 or 3 drinks is OK.
The amount of alcohol a person can drink has nothing to do with their weight.
Alcohol is always harmful to you it has no concern with your weight.