Where can I purchase Luma Brilliant concentrated liquid watercolors now that they have gone out...?!
...of business?
Luma liquid watercolors are fantastic, but have gone out of business. I have some old bottles of their colors and they are superior to anything i can find currently. Are there some old stock of colors for sale somewhere?
Luma liquid watercolors are fantastic, but have gone out of business. I have some old bottles of their colors and they are superior to anything i can find currently. Are there some old stock of colors for sale somewhere?
Hi. I did an extensive research about this and have found exactly what you're looking for and I have the full website down below for you. I also have a contact information and e-mail address. I hope this helps you.
Please contact Ted 847 987 0329 or email tedinciong@sbcglobal.net
Uhm I would say e-bay maybe.