At a bar can a 21+ year old buy an underage friend a drink?!
Thanks. :]
No. It can't and shouldn't be done in any state and not even by someones parents.
It is definitely BOGUS! And I know of no State that allows even Parents to buy liquor for Minors. It is really not even legal for that person to be drinking it,so anyone supplying it would be at least contributing to the delinquency of the Minor. I know some families who start their children drinking at home under their supervision and do not allow them to leave the house while under the influence. But that is not legal,either. Just stay safe and stay legal until you are allowed by law to drink,OK?
That's illegal in two ways - 1. Someone 21+ cannot buy alcohol for minors, and will get arrested if caught. 2. Minors cannot drink alcohol and if caught will get arrested and issued an MIP which in most states results in losing your license. So don't be an idiot. The only time it's okay (at least here in oregon) is if you're a minor, inside a private residence with a parent or guardian and they give permission. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true!
no no depending on the state of course, its illegal for the bar to serve anyone underage a drink and they could loose their liquor license. if your able to sneak in the bar (ive done it a few times.) just go straight to the pool tables, never go to or near the bar. and have someone buy a pitcher of beer first, just mingle around with your beer, now uve already been seen drinking, and if theres multiple bartenders there not gonna ask each other if they've seen your i.d. i would still have other people order you the drinks bc they will ask you for it., but now its less suspicious. good luck hun.
No. Not even your parents can buy their kid a drink at a bar if they are under the age of 21. If your not 21 then you are not allowed to drink at a bar period. Most bars don't allow people under 21 in them usually.
You can't legally drink it, but the bartender seriously could not give a single 4uck less....
That is a crime called contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
They shouldnt be handling liquor unless they are 21. Period.
Thank God I live in the UK where the age limit is 18.
sorry no :-)
21 means 21
Only if you want to risk arrest and jail.