what does 20% alcohol by vol mean on a bottle of whiskey?!
It means that 20% of the liquid in that bottle is pure alcohol. The remaining 80% is various ingredients used in distilling the whiskey. The higher the ABV, the more drunk you're going to get. Happy trails!
Must be diet whisk(e)y (of which I did not know existed) as it is typically 40% alcohol
by volume or higher which means just that: 40% or more of its total content is alcohol
that's the %age of alcohol in the bottle.
20% for whiskey is quite low. Most decent whiskeys start at around 40% & some of the top quality scotch/whiskeys are up to 80%
20% alcohol by volume = 40 proof. Most decent whiskeys are 80 proof.
It means it's 20% pure alcohol.. ideally you should be aiming for the 40% mark for a decent hangover.