How many beers a day does it take to consider you as an alcholic?!


How many beers a day does it take to consider you as an alcholic?

Answers: Alcoholism has nothing to do with how MUCH you drink. It focuses more on how much your drinking negatively interferes with your daily life. A person may drink 5 beers a day and be fine. They have a job, a family, hobbies, etc. Another person may drink 5 beers a day and be late to work, have a strained marriage, etc. An alcoholic also feels as if they NEED to drink. They may feel that their life depends on it and they have such a strong craving that it is overwhelming. Alcoholism is very personal and is based on what the individual is experiencing.
Now the subject of binge drinking it focused on a bit more. Binge drinking refers to how many drinks you have per day and how that compares to the maximum limit. Binge drinking is 5 or more drinks per occasion for men and 4 for women. If you're drinking more than this it may show that you are having some difficulties controlling your consumption. It isn't how many, but whether you can go without - totally. Numbers have nothing to do with it. You're an alcoholic if you can't go three of four days in a row without longing and thinking of alcohol.
If you like beer, and have a few, but then go several days without thinking of beer or other alcohol, you're okay.
Can't get it out of your head - - - you're an alcoholic. It just isn't that simple. If you can't function unless you have a buzz and it takes several beers to get you to that state, then it's probably safe to say you have a problem. There was once a point in my life that I would drink 18-24 beers a day EVERYDAY. I thought I was an alcoholic. Now I see I was just young and stupid. Now I drink ONLY on friday nights(or saturday night if its hockey season) and I usually only have 8-12 pints. The thought of alcohol does not even enter my mind during the week anymore. One!

If it affects you life and the people around you. I average a case of beer a day, I consider Myself a drunk, Alcoholics go to meetings.... If you cannot limit your intake then you have a problem.
If you accelerate your use you have a problem.
If you lie about drinking you have a problem.
There are many signs and there are functional alcoholics who maintain perfectly normal lives but deep down they know they can't stop. If you are symptomatic of these then you need to get help especially if three's a history in your family. Practically nobody whom gets to this point can quite alone.

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