Smoking ban?!


Smoking ban?

just wondered what everyone thought of the no smoking ban as a smoker myself and the magority of poeple in pubs smoke just wondered if the pubs might be slightly empty tomorrow. thinking of opening my own pub in the back garden!

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2 days ago
mr. x your more than welcome!

Answers: 2 days ago
mr. x your more than welcome! Yay! go girl, What's the address, I'll be round tomorrow!! think it's a good idea.
also think you shud quit :)
good luck i really dont think people will stop using pubs just cos they have to go outside to smoke, did people stop using buses or tubes when smoking was banned on them.....
or people stop going to the cinema when smoking was banned there? im all for the no smoking I like that idea. I like those outdoor kitchens they have on diy. Then everyone can enjoy there selves. I hate it, but then again, I am a smoker myself. Maybe they should take all the non-smokers (less than 25% of the population) and give them their secetion of the country. Then I would not have to hear them b itch not would I have to smell their alcoholic, cigar smoking butts. I'm so happy. I know someone who never smoked a thing in her life but all her work mates constanlty smoked. She died at a very young age of Lung cancer because of this passive smoking. Its put me and all my family off smoking and I hope it can cut down all the problems because of smoking and the NHS can then concentrate on those health problems that couldnt have been prevented. BIG UP THE BAN!!!! We've had the smoking ban in Ireland for a couple of years now. It is weird the first time you go out but you soon get used to it, to the extent that if I was to smoke now in a pub I would find it so strange.
You'll feel great the next day too, hair still smells good, chest doesn't feel like it's about to explode etc
Go ahead and open the pub in your back garden, sounds good, but don't stop going to your local too. You might just like the change.... I love it. I am a former smoker of 2 1/2 packs a day for 18 years and I think it is a good idea. When the smoking ban happened in my state, there was a slight decline in restaurant business but it soon came back to normal. Now when they start banning smoking in open air areas (which they have) then I think there will be problems. Even your pub in the back garden wouldn't be legal! Here in the states you can still smoke depending on the ratio of how much alcohol compared to food they serve. I think it's a bit ridiculous...I'm a former smoker and still occasionally light up when I'm out...I mean they might as well ban alcohol...Yeah cigarettes are bad for you but so are cheesburgers and french fries but you dont see them being banned at mcdonalds...I think cigs smell foul but as for the research stating the dangers of 2nd hand's all so inconclusive and subjective smoking and pubs go together. I think that it's good to have a ban in no smoking, it's more enjoyable. Since I've quit smoking, food tastes better, life is better, alcohol is better:)

You should try to quit:) long overdue!
went to a none smoking pub a few weeks ago and it was packed and really nice to breath clean air. ofcourese, a big, fat arragant man sparked up and stubbornly smoked his ***, until being asked to leave!!

people can take trheir fags outside, i cant just nip out when someone sparks up cos the poisons will still be air bound when i get back..

smokers are stubborn cos they know smoking is killing them, so in reaction formatiojn, they claim to love smoking and become ignorant of people that dont smoke, and bitter that they cant give up...

i should know, i smoked for 17 years before giving up 2 years ago...THE BEST thing i ever did I and my husband are non-smokers (we are former smokers). We DO NOT agree with ANY ban. We feel that if a person truly hates smoke, then he/she can go to a place that does not have a smoking section. It should be the BUSINESS OWNER'S prerogative to allow a smoking section not the government's. We both feel the same about motorcycle helmets and seat belts...if you choose this then the govt should allow you to do it within reason that is. That is why we live in a free country not a socialist society. My experience in Scotland now is that people just go outside and have one and we've just had to get used to it. There's more smoking areas outside pubs now than ever before. It's a pain as we had the ban in the winter and it was freezing standing outside! Can't wait for the ban.
Sick of losing my voice after a night out because of the smoke.
Sick of stinking of stale smoke.

Aah the bliss of clean air whilst relaxing. I live opposite a pub, was thinkin about dragging the sofas out to the front garden so we could all sit in comfort. maybe put the TV on the front windowsill so we can catch up on current affairs lol

I to am a smoker and I know it will stop me from going to places.

I am respectful about smoking around people that do not smoke, but people are not respectful around me as a non-drinker, I find it very rude that they drink around me, but they get all psycho when I light up a cigarette. I am a smoker and I think i am going to miss popping in to the local cafe and having the odd cup of coffee and ciggy but i don't disagree with the ban because i can sympathise with non smokers but i do think that cafes and pubs should be allowed to allocate rooms for smokers.I do wonder whether we are going to see a lot of drinkers hanging around outside pub doors though,we shall have to wait and see what the consequences will be but i can see trouble ahead personally. Its a £50 fine if you smoke indoors now

Ok but the premises receives a £2500 fine!

Bar Workers are now obliged to physically restrain a potentially agressive very drunken smoker from lighting up!

The passive smoking argument seems lame now compared to that.

Breath in smoke or thanks to new 'laws' wrestle a drunk out of his head over a cigarette. Hmm I am not a smoker and i am over here in the States.

HOWEVER it makes no sense to me. let me get this straight, OK?

I can go to the bar (or pub), drink poison, eat something that pretends to be food, engage in risky sexual behavior, potentially get my head busted open by a pool cue and you don't want me to smoke as it's a health risk?

No offense, isn't that WHY you go to the bar?

I feel that we treat smokers with more contempt than child molesters. The proper thing to do would be to help wean them away from this noxious habit, not send the Smoker Stormtroopers after them to beat and pummel. when they came for the Jews i did nothing. cuz i wasn't a Jew.

when they came for the blacks i did nothing cuz i am not black.

when they came for the gay , i did nothing cuz i am not gay...

when they came for me their was no one left to help....

you don't smoke . that is a choice .. i did .. that was a choice

i understand that second- hand smoke needs to be an issue that get some serious action ( strong ventilation) i don't know.... but when you start making people leave a bar to go have a cigarette in the alley .. you go against biblical and constitutional rules and the whole premise of a bar or pub. relax , come as you are, be who you who the heck you be.

well, Sally smokes and Fred doesn't. Fred should stay the Hell away from Sally... and if the whole bar is full of Sally's maybe "Fred " who is ()))non smoking people who are bothered by smoke)))) should go to a different bar . maybe the Fred's of the world should have their own bars ...

just don't ask the government to get rid of smokers from bar they belong there as much as you do....
think of ways to co-exist not how to tell some one else what to do..

how dare you Fred ... Unless you go to pubs, clubs and restaurants, the smoking ban is meaningless.
It is meaningless for my friends and family.
In Bournemouth the council have been attaching ashtrays to the waste-bins - does this mean we shall see council workers emptying them each day? Of course not. Instead we shall see piles of butts on the ground underneath the ashtrays, waiting to be blown around in the wind. Lol. In the states, people who smoke tend to be less affluent, and poor people tend not to vote or contribute money. I'd be willing to bet that the cigar club to which Governor Schwarzenegger belongs in California is still in operation. well as a non smoker i can now enjoy a nice quiet drink and something to eat in my local with my family without putting up with other peoples disgusting cigarette smoke I would like to address the ignorant bastards out there who think the smoking ban is a good thing. **** YOU!!!

There are a lot of pubs out there that catered specificaly to smokers and with these idiotic laws they can not run their business in the way they wish and their customers expect. And don't tell me any garbage about cleaner air for everyone and not wanting to have to breath in someone elses smoke just get off your high horse and go to another ****in bar. I am all for the smoking ban. I mean, why should my lungs suffer because you don't know how to take care of yourself? It's not right. In a way its wrong, but myself and family run a pub, and to be honest when its your own working environment it can get to you at times, but I see both sides and its wrong that our liberties are being taken away from us. Trade today was about the same so I didnt notice anybody staying away. Some of our regulars werent that happy about having to go outside to light up, but they come out for the company so I dont think it will affect trade. i am a non-smoker but in my opinion i think that in restaurants yes it definately should be banned as theres nothing worse than getting a mouthful of smoke with your food! Howver in the pubs, when i got to my local i expect there to be smokers, because i think thats what a pub is - somewhere to have a beer, play pool, chat and smoke! I also think that the smoking ban encourages people to drink on the streets which can pose a problem but as we all know the government knows best because they all lead everyday lives and are always themselves in the situations that they put the british public in! Sigh xx its rot ton in the beginning but you seem to smoke less in bad weather,and be home early yes open a pub in your garden but the neighbours might complain,we never win do we?

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