Why do people drink alcoholic beverages. What feeling does it give u that u can't get from soda, or whatever?!


Why do people drink alcoholic beverages. What feeling does it give u that u can't get from soda, or whatever?

I have never drank and never want to but I want to know what do people get out of drinking that is sooooo good?

Answers: If used in moderation, it is in fact a way of relaxing the body and the mind, and acts as a "social lubricant" as well. Ever wonder why so many people gather at bars? It's because, after a drink or two, it can be easier to talk to people you don't know, and can aid the process of socializing. Hence, a social lubricant. However, if overused, it can end up making matters worse, and frankly some people simply can't handle any amount of alcohol without becoming dangerous. i know this isn't an excuse some time it is an ease of a hard day a glass of wine or a nice mixed drink its a relaxer but i only drink like once or twice a month but that more like social times when i am with friends its just something fun and relaxing hope i helped and hope nobody gives you any ridiculous answer. I don't really know, many people do it because it's so popular and many kids do it because they think it's fun, mainly because there not allowed at that age, they tfind it a fun way to break the law without getting in major trouble..
ybe? Everyone likes it for different reasons. Some people use it to forget their "real" problems temporarily. Some use it to be more outgoing because it reduces your inhibitions.

Generally, it makes you FEEL in control, though it really makes you lose control - some people a little, others a lot. It SEEMS to make everything funnier, more interesting, more intelligent, but really your just not able to judge it as well as you normally would.

I'm not against alcohol. I like to have a few drinks at home or only if I have a designated driver with me. I know it makes me a little loopy if I have too much. I do, however, believe in restraint and knowing when enough is enough. it relaxes you, physically and emotionally. Its not meant to be filling like soda, or something to quench your thirst.
You enjoy your drink as you would enjoy easy living, very slowly. I can't believe nobody else has this answer. I drink certain beers just 'cause I like the taste!

Man, a nice tall Guinness is delicious! At the end of a long day, it's nice to come home, pop the top off a Guinness and wind down. Sure, the alcohol does contribute into this, being that it is still a drug (but so is caffeine). But the alcohol is not why I drink beer; it's nothing more than a side-effect to a great product, just like caffeine is to a nice cold Pepsi. Anything in moderation won't hurt you. I find it rather "naive'" that you have no clue as to what alcohol does versus that of a soda. Come on pal.

Alcohol is a depressant and in large quantities makes you inebriated. Inebriation from alcohol causes functional motor skills to become less reactive, slurring of the speech, drowsiness, etc.

Unless you have been living in a cave for the most part of your life - you should know this.

Alcohol in moderation or with food can be a healthy and wonderful adult activity. If you get the hankering to put the "nectar of the God's" to your lips - try going out and having a fantastic meal paired with an equally wonderful and fantastic wine. Intersting question, I have not been drunk in years and years but I still enjoy a beer or glass of wine with dinner. If there was a non-alcoholic beer that tasted even close to what I drink I would buy it. Wine adds so much to the flavor of a meal and helps digestion, no fruit juice can do it. It's not just the alcohol but the entire beverage, there is no suitable substitute. Ethyl alcohol is the ingredient on all alcoholic beverages that leads to effects not possible with non alcoholic drinks. Vasodialtion, lowered inhibitions, diuretic effects, euphoria, dulled tactile sensation are just some of its effects. It is a drug and must be treated as such. Chronic overconsumption can have dangerous consequences including liver and brain damage, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure and even death.

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