Went into a pub earlier. everyone was smoking, its like nothings changed. what will happen to the landlord?!


Went into a pub earlier. everyone was smoking, its like nothings changed. what will happen to the landlord?

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2 days ago
lady....there was also one on TV. a pub in Blackpool

Answers: 2 days ago
lady....there was also one on TV. a pub in Blackpool he should get jail i dont fart and give the smell to a pub full of smokers that stink out the pub nothing as its a pathetic law which is unenforceable which pub?????
have to make it my local

Seriously though i'd imagine if they got caught a few times they would lose their licence DA BAN AINT GONNA WORK ANY HOW. If enough people report the violation he could get fined. My state recently passed that no smoking in public places law. This lady in my suite was always smoking right outside the front door. (You have to be 20 feet from an entrance) Someone called to complain and she received a certified letter saying she had to abide by the law or get a $500 fine. If the landlord is caught it will probably result in a £2,500 fine. However, the landlord could counteract the law by stating that the pub is actually a private enterprise, not a "public place". I don't believe you!!! The landlord can be fined thousands and so he should be!! I smoke 20-30 fags a day and I would report the bastard he has no right doing that after the ban has come into force!!! He's probably got the cops on payolla.

Seriously, call the city or county health department and report the place.

Assuming that you live in a place where smoking in public establishments is against the law; and assuming that this pub isn't a private club. Everybody is breaking the law.Book em Dano!!! personally I think it's a stupid rule, but he might get fined. possible fine, but i dont think that would happen the bans just plain stupid If no one dog's him in he will probably get away with it, it's a stupid Big Brother law made by people who want to take away our free will! And did you know that there is one pub in England which the smoking ban doesn't effect? The House of Commons Bar!! A bylaw means it doesn't effect them! Talk about hypocrisy! He faces a £2500 fine, that will wipe out his profits in one fell swoop. Already, the ghouls of political correctness will have their spies out taking covert photographs.

This will be one of the first pubs to close because of the ban.

This ban is ridiculous. 25% of the population smoke. What is the percentage of the non-smoking population who would object if pubs had a smoking bar and a non-smoking bar - was that investigated by whoever dreamed up this silly law? Is the land lord / lady stupid they will be fined if they are reported it will only take someone to report them and they will be watched ,this smoking ban has to be taken seriously it is not a joke wait and see who will win and loose in this one we have seen it here in Ireland and the no smoking ban won big time they are all outside the vhotels / pubs smoking . hey bars arent affected by the law u have to be 21 year to get in anywhere u have to18+ to get in u can smoke ie carpet mills and such yep snap i was im my local pub this afternoon and couldnt believe how many people were smoking even the landlord was smoking i just coulnt believe it We should all become mp's and smoke the swines out of the houses of parliament, or change the name of our locals to 'the house of parliament' The landlord can be fined for allowing people to smoke in his establishment, although I suppose there are ways around that.

But in order for a fine to happen, he'd have to be caught. And in order for THAT to happen, someone would have to report him. If all the patrons in that particular pub enjoy smoking, then nobody's going to report him. the landlord can get fined £2,000 so let him carry on its his own fault. if a smoker gets a £50 fine the landlord gets a £2500 fine. If the landlord owns the pub, I suppose he could claim that it's a private residence. Well, if the landlord is reported they will get fined.
It is completely enforeable - ask the Scots. If someone puts in a complaint and if the police pop in and if they decide to prosecute then the maximum fine for allowing someone to smoke in a public building is £2,500.

Are you going to be a civic-minded citizen and shop them? The law applies to all public buildings and vehicles and all places of work and work vehicles. The Houses of Parliament are exempt on the basis that it's actually a Royal Palace, nevertheless the buildings have become no smoking (not sure if the bars are an exception?? lol!)

The laws will be enforced by local councils and there's telephone line if you wish to sneak, but I won't post that here.

All places which must be smokefree by law must also display stickers all over the show to remind people not to smoke. There are various levels of fines, the Landlord could get fined but there's no provision in the law for putting him out of business etc.

I have mixed feelings, as I smoke, but I also don't think it's fair that other people should suffer because I'm a mug. It does mean if I want a smoke and a beer I have to get wet in the English summer!!

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