Would you stayed married to a man you were not physically attracted to?!


Would you stayed married to a man you were not physically attracted to?

Answers: Without details that's a tough one. I'm assuming that she would have been atrracted to him at some point, but I guess that has changed. The question is what has changed? Is it her attitude toward him, or has his appearnce changed therefore making him less attractive now, or a little of both?

As we grow older everyone's physical appearance changes. We get wrinkles, some fat maybe, lose hair and a million other things that could cause our appearance to change and I'll be the first to admit I'm probably not as handsome as I was 20 years ago. However, I hope that although I may not be as physically attractive as I was I make up for it in maturity, responsibility and all the other things we're forced to become when we grow up.

I would think that if a person was thinking about leaving their spouse there has got to be more too it deep down inside than just a lack of physical attraction.

weeder Yes. There is more to love than sex. As you age, sex decreases. So...yes i would. Yes if I were truly in love with him Just drink alot of beer.

PS. You put this in the beer wine spirits section :) if he made me laugh and treated me like a million bucks, then yes. if i loved him enough looks would be the last thing i think about A bit shallow, are we? I am physically attracted to my husband because I love everything about him. just be a drunk so he looks better then he really does It depends on how important sex is to you and him. If it's very important but you love him dearly, you might want to look into other avenues to try and make yourself attracted to him/ For instance, you could try roll playing, have him wear a mask, fantasize while you are having sex with him in the dark. But, if you are repulsed by his touch but want to salvage the marriage, I suggest seek counseling with a licensed therapist. Good luck. If you are married then, hopefully, at one time you loved him...there should be some kind of connection going on on the inside...it's not just what is on the outside of a person...especially if you are married already! I pray for you to seek some kind of counseling and find out what is really bothering you and work out your issues. (together) Unless you married him for the wrong reasons and never really loved him...oh my...good luck to you! no, there may be more to a relationship than just sex, but it's still a factor. Firstly you know this question actually is in the wrong section right? Well Yes I would think that you should stay married to him, you made an oath to God and to one another to love & cherish one another until death do you part. If you didn't marry him for his looks it must have been something else and anyway looks is not everything what matters is the inside beauty. first of all, what is this question doing in the beer, wine, and spirits category?
there is more to love than sex and if i was attracted to him physically and emotionally before, than my feelings shouldn't change because he would become my best friend.

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