What's the most amount of alcohol you've ever drank in one sitting?!


What's the most amount of alcohol you've ever drank in one sitting?

I managed very foolishly (but hey - I was p*shed!) to demolish a litre of whiskey on Saturday night. Not feeling too clever about it so I dont need all the "dont you know the damage you're doing to yourself" speeches. I just want someone to make me feel better!

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20 hours ago
mikee I know exactly wot you mean - I apparantly attempted to p*ss on my excercise trampoline. Never again!

Answers: 20 hours ago
mikee I know exactly wot you mean - I apparantly attempted to p*ss on my excercise trampoline. Never again! At a music festival one year, I befriended a girl with another stall. She had 2 cases of tequila in her van and I was on real Somerset cider. We started drinking on Friday night and continued right through until Sunday afternoon - me buying us pints of cider, her sharing the tequilla. I can't say that we drank all 12 bottles of tequila - it was impossible to keep count. As one bottle emptied the next one was opened.

We drank steadily and had a really cool weekend - hardly seeing any of the bands and just heading in to the chill-out tent to dance late at night. We had to have each had at least 10 pints of cider on Friday, around 20 on the Saturday and another 10 on Sunday. And these estimates are averaging under, rather than over. And all the time, we continued to swig from the tequila bottles. Sounds like I'm bragging right? Read on.

When I finally got home on Sunday evening, I just crashed into bed and slept until about 3 the following morning. I woke feeling terrible and with racking pains in my body. I felt like I had the worse dose of flu ever - my muscles and even my bones throbbing with intense pain - and my heart was thumping like a kettle drum. The next few hours seemed like and eternity and I was sure I was going to have a heart attack.

When the doctor's surgury opened at 8:30 AM, I was the first there and I was promptly diagnosed as having alcohol poisoning. I was given some tablets and told to drink lots of water. For the next few days I felt awful. My bosses at work had to let me have time off to recover, but they were (quite rightly) very unsympathetic.

It certainly wasn't the last time I've been drunk, but I've never drank to such a degree again - not even a 10th of that amount. In fact these days, I hardly drink at all. I still like tequila, but in moderation - more as a treat.

So when someone takes you to one of those huge long bars where they have something like 50 different spirits and your friend dares you to drink a shot of each, remember ... alcohol poisoning ... it's painful and it's very scary! I don't recommend you take up the challenge. half a bottle of vodka + half a bottle of Kahlua plus 9 or 10 Bailey's. When I was much younger and at uni I drank about 4 pints of cider and then went on to a club where I downed 5 flavoured vodka shots all in one go. I promptly got home and pased out on the sofa... NOT clever - nowadays I never drink and feel much better for it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wedw75rnp... I managed 17 scotch and cokes doing a pub crawl a few years ago while in Scotland for Hogmanay. I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens every Saturday night. Then you have a problem. i cant remember It's not a competition. Grow up. OK not bad.
Try a bottle of brandy and 6 tequilas.
needless to say i don't remember much and i was arrested.

feel better? If you know exactly, then it was not that much

Im sure i would be shocked if i knew it!

Im past 25 now and so, alas sadly retired in the arena of alcoholic madness I drank twelve beers and three shots of 101 between the hours of 9pm and 3am. Didn't feel very good the next day, but that night I was on top of the world!! 17 pints of lager and 3 vodka and dry ginger ales I did the Monopoly pub crawl in London: You have to drink at all the spaces on the board, in the real London. Yep, you even have to go and find a bar in Liverpool Street station! It takes all day, especially if, like me, you insist on doing it in the right order as you go round the board, which involves doubling back on yourself in the real London quite a lot.
The crawl starts at the Blind Beggar on Old Kent Road, the place where the Krays killed Jack 'The Hat' McVittie, apparently. It's the only pub I've ever been to where the magazines on the bar for the customers are porno mags! Classy!
26 pints and 12 hours later and I was on the tube back to North London - having drunk myself sober, I bought a 4-pack of Red Stripe to drink when I got home, which I did while all my friends snored on my floor.
Please Drink Responsibly. litre & half of vodka plus a few bottle of wine and i don't know what i drank in the pub, this was an all day sess btw, i was ill for weeks afterwards - unsurprisingly 22-25 pints of lager when I was about 18. This was a regular occurance when I was out around town. I also drank a litre of whisky once. The next day was spent constantly throwing-up. Never again.

I'm now in my late twenties and realise that drinking that much to excess causes bad things to happen 99% of the time (like trying to get in bed with my mate's mum, pissing all over my electric guitar whilst sleep walking, sleeping with work mates etc...) Your having fun nuffin wrong with that!
bet you felt bad the next day ooooouch!

I once drank 4 shots of absinth and 4 shots of navy rum (70% proof) I had a pint of lager with everyshot, so was bloated and drunk, then the worst was too come, a barbucket run, which is a shot of everything hanging up on the wall, and a pint of guiness at the end, with a bucket....you have to neck each shot 5 seconds after each other, and then neck the guiness in 5 seconds...needless to say my head nearly got stuck in the bucket at the end, as could not stop throwing up! if you can handle that game...you are made of steel and have no organs lol! i always remembered this for some reason, if i did this now - i would be comatosed on a curb sumwhere

This coming from an obviously classy girl :) 15 pints of stella with a few shots mixed and red bull New Years Eve I drank 5 shots of Captain Morgan, 5 shots of Goldschlagger, a couple shots of tequila and some mudslide. Then I smoked at least a gram of chronic all on an empty stomach. I was so sick at about 2 am. I had to spend the night in the bathroom because I could not stop throwing up, when someone would come in to use the restroom I would just put my head in the tub to throw up. I was sick for two days after that. I think I got alcohol poisoning, but did not go to the doctor. Won't be doing that again any time soon. i always drink straight vodka (im not an alcoholic ive just got confidence issues, plus chronic pelvic pain so it helps me lol) but the most ive had was on new years when i must have done a bottle of it in one go with a friend plus mixing jack daniels, wine, champagne and smirnoff totalling to 2 bottles worth of that. i was a mess, cant imagine how i coped walking back especially in 3 inch heels, so dont worry about the whiskey thats good from where im sitting lol Bottle of Jim Beam (1 litre), 6 cans of lager, 40 Marlboroughs.

Played football the next morning too!!! Once, i chugged a flask sized bottle of captain morgan spiced rum, then I had a few bicardi 03's, then I stupidly drank a handle of philips rum in two drinks. I do remember staring at a spot on the hotel room floor for like an hour straight and then i passed out. I was completely gone till two days later. Surprisingly, i never through up, and i am still alive to tell about it. 3/4 bottle of Southern comfort neat in 2 1/2 hrs.
Was sick for a week
Have not touched brown coloured spirits since, the smell of whisky makes me heave.
This all occured over 32 years ago so some things dont change. 6 budweisers, half a bottle of vodka and lambrini :P Most of a 2'6 of 40% Tequila in 20 minutes. Couldnt walk in a straight line, could barely stay seated in my chair, suprisingly I didnt pass out. all of it and then some more I drank a fifth of Jack Daniel's on my 18th birthday...which was consequently the first day of college AND the first time I ever drank more than like two shots of booze.

After I polished it off, I was stumbling around the streets going to a gas station to buy more beer for my roommate with my fake ID, only to realize it's after 2am on a Sunday, so they don't sell beer!

after that...lets just say there is embarrassing video of me staggering about with a purple hitler-moustache I applied with fingerpaint while I'm cursing like a sailor at my roommate. I later proceeded to vomit on my roommate's bedsheets because he pissed me off about something I can't remember.

It took me a year before I could actually drink Whiskey again...never again will I be able to polish that much off in a four hour window.

Nonetheless, a 12 pack later, my roommate forgave me and we're still good drinking/smoking buddies

JC several glasses of wine, 3 brandy/babyshams, a bottle of brandy, I was as sick as a pig. 12 savannas & half bottle of southern comfort, don't ask what happened later.

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