Bacardi and Diet Cola?!


Bacardi and Diet Cola?

Ok, I dunno if I'm buying the whole 0 carbs/ 0 Sugar thing that Bacardi has goin on... I'm on a crash diet where I'm abstaining 100 % from carbohydrates for a certain period of time. (Spare me the health lectures, PLEASE!.) Last night I had a Bacardie and Diet Cola at a bar, because I saw the ad for it, but now I'm thinking maybe that wasn't the greatest idea. Can anyone explain to me whether or not the ad is correct, and whether or not I just made a huge mistake with my no carb diet?

Answers: Bacardi+diet coke DOES= 0 carbs. They are both free of real sugars of any kind. However, in many respects the artificial sweetners in diet soda can be worse for your health than sugar. Alcohol isnt too good in terms of dieting either. Carbs=4 calories per gram, alcohol=7 calories per gram. Thats only 2 calories per gram less than fat... if you are going to drink it is the best choice..since it is 0 calories, but like above ( very good response I must say ) artificial sweeteners may mess with your metabolism and make you hungrier and they arent that good for you That's one of my faves...but even though there's no carbs...I wouldn't suggest drinking it on a crash're already shocking your body with the food change...drinking alcohol will just slow down your metabolism...Good Luck

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