So does stella artois really make people beat up their wives or is it an excuse for a good hammering session?!


So does stella artois really make people beat up their wives or is it an excuse for a good hammering session?

Following some banter in the pub tonight I wonder if it's reputation has some truth in or is it just extremely cheap so the beating "type" can afford it...?

Answers: Stella has additives in their beer (to keep the beer head for longer) that can cause a bad reaction to some people. Hence, it brings out the "wife-beater" in some blokes! Source(s):
Insider knowledge of the beer industry. I think it is because it makes people get nasty!
Like cider. Any kind of Stella will make men badly treat their wives. never touched it myself but it makes my sister go psycho i heard some woman call it stella*t If I brought it home my b/f would beat me. Too hoppy. For some reason it makes people loud, leary and then aggresive. It has a higher alcohol volume than most draught beers but i dont honestly believe that is the only reason why it does, believe me, im in the pub trade, send people loopy. It does make men become wife beaters and best friends become asse holes. I call it , Stella ill twat ya. men d@ cant handle der drinx agen...
all that lark bout power of tha stella.. bull!! rubbish !
but eldorado does and makes you wreck the house as well ............oh aye and the neighbours ........and the police ....and the cell..... Makes me sleepwalk and after what happened I have never touched it since. I have never found it had that affect on me , but I do not drink much anyway.When I was in Belgium on Holidays I discovered it for the first time and enjoyed the taste, but I never drank so much as to make me Drunk. It has a Delicious Malty Taste.I just drink Guinness when I go out for a Drink to the Pub.Sometimes I Buy a Six Pack from the Supermarket of Stella and Drink a Glass with my Dinner . I find that Lager has a Harsher Effect on your Stomach than Stout and so Prefer the Guinness when drinking Pints in Pubs. Look the best combo for wife beating is Stella in the pub and on the way home pick up a bottle of Bucky. Put this in the fridge to chill, while the argument brews with your beloved.

Just as you feel the buzz from the Stella reach its peak, go to the fridge retrieve the Bucky, neck it wait 10 - 15 minutes and then indulge in some good old fashioned domestic fun and games it is actually true, something about the way its brewed. when idrink i normally get all happy or sleepy, but when its been stela whoa!! watch out, anyone who gets in my way gets slayed!!
you should drink it before work! I wouldn't go as far as to say it makes you go beat somebody up , but then again i drank it once and my husband told me i went really nasty towards him and that i was a totally different person after drinking it , i guess its cheap and nasty so you drink more of it .

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