Now smoking ban in i just wondered how long before its illegal to drink alcohol because Algol can kill as we?!


Now smoking ban in i just wondered how long before its illegal to drink alcohol because Algol can kill as we?

Answers: The USA tried banning alcohol (the Prohibition). All it did was to drive drinking underground and spawn the likes of Al Capone.
I shouldn't think that this government will ban it. There's too much revenue at stake.
Anyway, we can't blame the government for all of society's problems. After all, it isn't local councillors, policemen or MPs who vomit in the gutters, fight and spray graffiti everywhere - it's the so-called "underprivileged" (yeah, right!)

Better behaviour by the drinkers and more self-discipline would be a good idea though. Much more severe punishments for drunken drivers and drink related disorderly behaviour in the streets may help.

At least cigarette smokers never mugged people for a ciggie. No, we'll be banning fat first. Then salt. Then sports. Then alcohol. Then thought.

Don't you know how dangerous that stuff is? my god WHAT next ?sex Yah, and how long before the government decide that it is illegal to sell tobacco? Some countries smoke weed legally and we cant even have a smoke. What about factory smoke / gases etc???? We should have rights too. The main reason they banned smoking is because it kills a lot of people through second hand smoking. So you're not just killing yourself by smoking you're affecting people around you too. I think that was the main reason. But with alcohol you're just affecting your own body and at the end of the day its up to you what yuou do with you're own body. Drinking can't kill other people unless you attacks omeone or drink n drive if you know what i mean. So i wouldnt imagine thata lcohol would get banned, they might just use strickter guided daily amounts.
xx They tried banning alcohol (prohibition) and it didn't work.
The smoking ban is only in public buildings or places. You can still smoke in your home or private places. Ban the drink - Legalize POT!!!!

Okay, unrealistic I know but still a happy thought.

Besides, a smoking ban isn't that bad. I'm an ex-smoker but still, it's unfair to those who choose to keep their lungs healthy to be subjected to smoke in restuarants. Now sportsbars - well, that's kind of a different story. I think they should allow it in there say after 9 pm just because most people there are there to get drunk and hang out - it's not exactly the brady bunch atmosphere. loll some town centres already ban alcohol consumption outdoors. next it will be sex,fat and oh god forbid chocolate coz its bad for you pmsl Maybe but at least you have the choice to pour it down your own throat They are planning to reduce the allowance you can have to drink and drive. You may be over the limit with just one pint. It will be debated in parliament in the autumn A total zero policy for drink driving is weel over due.
Anyone who complains must be totally insenitive and selfish, only thinking of themselves and no one else!

Also, I am so glad of the smoking ban. I was totally fed up with inconsiderate selfish gits forcing their weak minded addiction on others! Well they are cutting the amount of salt in food and have low tar cigs, So wait for the day the upper limit on alcohol is set at 1 or 2 % it will happen and as for spirits Class 1 drug!!
Remember ALL drugs were legal a few hundred years ago, I think they should legalize marijuanna and ban alcohol. It makes perfect sense to me. The government couldn't tax pot because you could grow it yourself. I agree I think that soon they will bring in laws that will tell us exactly how much we should drink and we will get fined etc if we do not comply. Its another way of control and taking away our rights. Don't get me wrong I'm not a smoker, but surely it is up to the smokers as too whether he wants to smoke or not I'm getting sick and tired of ppl complaining about smoking. What happened to the land of the free????
If I'm in a restaurant and I choose smoking over non-smoking, and there are ppl, sitting in the smoking section and complain about the smoke. You don't like the smoke - then get the f*** out. You don't like the smoke in a bar?? Well, I don't like drunks in a bar, because they are loud, can't walk and think they are the best thing since sliced bread. How about we ban drinking in a bar???
Also, if everyone would stop smoking, where would the government get all the money from that we smokers hand over each time we buy a pack of Camels for $5.00? Is anyone willing to increase the taxes on other items? I'm glad smoking is banned in public places. I have had to put up with people eating and drinking in a cafe/resteraunt whilst polluting the air that me and my kids are breathing. How disgusting that every time you put your food in your mouth you also have to taste tobacco smoke along with it. I'ts all good and well saying if we don't like, ship out! We have just as much right to be there as anyone else. Anyway when there is smoking and non smoking areas it still wafts over. Not to mention the stench on your clothes. If people want to smoke - fine. Just not round my kids!!! We eat out as a family!!!

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