How long does it take before u can drive after been drunk?!


How long does it take before u can drive after been drunk?

some people r still over the limit the next morning and get done for drink driving

Answers: It totally depends what you drank. If it's vodka, gin, beer, should take about 4-6hrs....considering you're completely drunk....(im not specifying the amount you had). If its rum, whisky...etc...i wouldnt advise you to drive at all for atleast the next 12hrs...take a day off cuz you'll still feel the hangover and driving could cloud your judgement on the road and that's highly risky. Just a reminder that this defers from person to person, it's only a rough; a general estimate. To speed it up a bit, you could try drinking loads of water to clear your system, have some lime with salt as well. you might also wanna try the pills that you get to lessen the "hangover feeling", so that you can drive again. Just ensure u ask advice from the medical practitioner. Cheers....Jessie. It depends on how much you have had to drink.
The body excretes alcohol at the rate of approximately 1 unit per hour, but if you have had 8 pints of stella the night before you are still gonna be over the limit the next morning cos its a very strong lager. usually 24hours depending on how much water you get through your system etc Alcohol can be detected in the blood up to 48 hours after a drinking session. You should not drive till then. I read recently that some mothers who had had a session during the previous evening were breathalised on the school run!!! I call that down right irresponsible. If your entertaining at your home or if your out and you know your friends are going to be drunk don't let them drink make them stay somewhere safe so they can sleep it off!!! Your body normally burns off the equivalent of one 12 oz beer(5% alcohol), one 4 oz glass of wine, or one11/4 oz shot of 80 proof alcohol per hour. You have to take into account your body weight and the time period over which you had your drinks to know how much will put you over the limit. There is no way to change how quickly your body metabolizes alcohol once its in your bloodstream. You can control how quickly it gets into your bloodstream by not drinking on an empty stomach and pacing yourself. I would go to another source though to get the answers for these kinds of questions. A lot of the previous advice is just plain wrong.

Cheers! Its as easy as this One Hour for every drink before you can drive that's the rule of thumb one drink meaning: 1 shot = 1 drink
1 beer = 1 drink
1 glass of wine = 1 drink

Good Day to Everyone and drive safe A total zero policy for drink driving is weel over due.
Anyone who complains must be totally insenitive and selfish, only thinking of themselves and no one else!

Also, I am so glad of the smoking ban. I was totally fed up with inconsiderate selfish gits forcing their weak minded addiction on others! the body can break down 1 unit of alcohol in 1 hour. thats why the quicker you drink the drunker you become. eg if you were to sip 5 units over 2 hours the body has chance to break some of the alcohol down before you put more into your system but if you down 5 units in a few minutes eg shots or slammers, the body doesnt have time to break it down before you add more. this is of course an average calculation and differs slightly in different people. Charles b, i take it youre not british cos a pint of beer is 2 units in britain but i know a few countries normally drink halves which would make it 1 unit.

a friend of mine was unsure if they would be over the limit to drive and before he got into his car he asked a passing cop to breathalise him so he would know whether to get a taxi or drive. the policeman said he couldnt do it as a preventative measure, there had to be a suspicion of a crime being commited. how stupid is that???

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