16 and an alcoholic!?!


16 and an alcoholic!?

I have been drinking a lot this year in my sophmore year with my fiends we even drink at skool i need help but i cant stop drinking, We drink so much that its like 3 shots in like 10mins Any advice?

Answers: Oh, honey, please talk to someone about this. It's only going to get worse if you don't. It would be best if you can talk to your parents, but if not, try a teacher or guidance counselor. If you have a way to get there, maybe AA meetings? You're way too young to have to deal with this alone.
It also may be a good idea to find new friends. I know you don't want to do that, but it's going to be really hard to stop if you are around them. Try to find ways to keep yourself busy. Play a sport or find a hobby or something. Anything to distract you from drinking. Good luck, I hope things get better for you! Rehab and AA meetings. nice .. aa? goddamn! thats a lot! what i want to know is how you get it all? thats been the hardest part for me. but it sounds like you need actual help. i know going to your parents isnt an option to try asking an older sibling or older friend. slowly reduce your alcohol intake... Keep drinking; you're liver will eventually give out & you won't have to worry about it anymore. Or you could stop hanging out with losers [--preferably the second one though]! i've had more......i've drank atleast 40 ounces on my own in less than 45 minutes and i'm only 14. uhhh well u could just try to stop i guess. Just think of the consiquences of drinking. What can happen if you drink? If you think about the things that can happen if you drink then maybe you want want to do it. Or if that doesnt work try rehab. Talk to your parents or another adult you trust and get help now!! Call AA and they can be of great support if you can't tell anyone else, but please, tell someone! Hopefully Alcoholic Anonymous can help!
=] only you can prevent forest fires!

if you are smart enough to figure out what i mean by that you are smart enough to get yourself some help...otherwise you are headed down a very dangerous road my friend. wooh! Drinking is a choice.....if you choose to drink, it doesn't make you an alcoholic. It's when you can't sleep at night without it, or can't even exist as an individual.......THEN you need to stop drinking long enough to get yourself back. Ck out my question also, and give me a good answer!

Oh, and AA just gets you around people that will convince you to drink with them when they fall off the wagon. Misery loves company, right? Alcohol IS a choice.......don't let liberals convince you that it is a DISEASE. It's a HABIT, just like cigarettes. Don't quit trying to quit until you have done it. go to the phone book and call AA. They will have advice on what options are available to teens. If you don't get this under control and soon, it will affect and ruin all your high school memories (if you end up having any!) the first step is admitting you have a problem, and you have done that..... try talking to your friends that you drink with and ask them not to offer you any alcohol, or if that doesnt work you may have to distance yourself from them until you are strong enough to say no...ask yourself why you drink? is it for fun? do you like how it makes you feel? does it numb the pain from something else? maybe you should se a counsellor and try to talk about the underlying problems...alcohol wont ever be the solution it will just create another miriad of problems...good luck Dear Aggie,
I commend you for looking for help
Prayer #1
AA is very helpful and you will get a lot of support
I pray that you will be delivered
God will help you

signed, another Aggie Have you told your parenets I bet they would like to know so they can help you .Please check this site out .God Bless Go to rehab!! Go to church!! Go to your parents!! Go to AA (and see what you're in for in 10,15,20 years)!!

You better wrap this up quickly or you're gonna be dead......SOON!!

And bring your friends with you!! you need to stop hanging out with poeple who drink. and that does not make you popular either it's dum and stupid the next thing you known you might get drunk and if your driving you can be in a car accident or you can die. You need better friends and you need to tell your parents.
This is not what you want to do with your self. You are better than that and there is so much ahead of you. I can tell you that its gonna be hard to stop if your friends are still doing try to show them all the dangers of being an alcholic maybe you can all try to change together! you would tell your children to get new friends and not to look back.take your own advice and you can help someone someday . Keep this in mind...I have a friend (a few years younger than me) who at 25, only has 1/3 of his liver left from drinking. He will be gone in just a few months, and it will hurt everyone who loves him. He started drinking heavily when he was about your age. I also had a friend that died of alcohol poisoning at 16. If you feel comfortable, talk to your parents. If you don't feel comfortable talking to your parents, go to AA, or even find a support group online. You need to do something, you don't want those who love you to lose you at an early age, and you have so much left to accomplish. AA meetings...u need to get ur life on trakc or ur high school career is SCREWED

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