What percentage of people do you think actually get pulled over that drive drunk?!


What percentage of people do you think actually get pulled over that drive drunk?

Honestly, how many people do you know that drive drunk? This is aimed mostly to people under the age of 40.

Answers: Not enough! But if I had to guess a percentage I'd say........10% (NOT COUNTING PARIS HILTON) Not enough. Not nearly enough. Driving while intoxicated is one of the most selfish crimes regular people commit. not nearly enough! I have a bunch of friends and they all do it not nearly enough. I think there are more people that drive drunk than one would think. I think it is, unfortunately, far too common. Everyone I know, regardless of age, drives after drinking. We don't, and we kind of get laughed at for taking cabs. They say "You seem fine, why didn't you drive?" Easy. "We're not risking it." Everyone I know has driven legally drunk at some point in their lives. I am talking EVERYONE. And probably only 10% of them have gotten pulled over while drunk, and even fewer have goten DUIs. Even people that would normally be the first ones to speak out against it. Most of these people are hardworking professional people with steady jobs.

Now.. lets look at this realistically. There is HUGE differance between someone just over the legal limit at .08, and someone at .30 --- and I think there should be differant laws based on it. For examply if you are pulled over at .30 and you cant stand up, I think you should have your license permentmly revoked. But if you are at .08 BAC and seem sober and can pass sobriety tests then the penalty should be less... I'll drive home if I've only had 1 or 2 beers. I drive exactly the same as sober, and im an excellent driver. Good reaction time, signals, shoulder checks, but definately no speeding when I've been drinking.

If I wanna drink more, I just wont be the DD that night.

Basically on major holidays, there will be tons of checkstops. July 4th, Canada Day, New Years Eve, etc... But on just a normal weekend, chances are the cops arent gonna be anywhere around.

But its dumb to drink lots then drive. Incredibly selfish. Your a threat to yourself, friends in the car, and random people on the street who could potentially be killed just because you're a dumbass. Of all the people that drink and drive, prolly less than 5%.
I have never driven under the influence, and I never will. It was easy for a long time, between living in Chicago where I rarely drove anyway, Milwaukee where you never have to walk mor than two houses away to go to a bar (seriously, from my house there was a bar on both sides and across the street, and I just lived in a random neigborhood, this was more the rule than the exception for most of the people I knew) and now I live in Waikiki, where it would be more trouble to drive and I can walk anywhere faster.
I imagine where I grew up in Jupiter FL, where you pretty much need to drive to your neighbors house, public transit doesnt exist and the two cabs in the county don't operate after dark, I could see the drunk driving a little more common.

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