Okay guys.. who else is off work tomorrwo due to the holiday, and getting drunk tonight?? :)?!
Okay guys.. who else is off work tomorrwo due to the holiday, and getting drunk tonight?? :)?
Answers: im already wasteddddddddddddddddddddddddd... not me! I am at work now and I have to work all day tomorrow. :-( I am sitting at my computer right now eatting pizza rolls and drinking hornsby's Hahah im just killing time before I head up to the lake. Looks like its time for a little "Thunderstruck" and naked midnight tubing This Bud's for you...well actually me. I would share though if you were here. I gotta go wee. I'm off but will be doing all the cooking and I will try to get drunk while watching the fire works.. Sitting here with cup of coffee. Gotta work tomorrow.