Does anyone know how bad alcohol is for you?!


Does anyone know how bad alcohol is for you?

The detox can kill you

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17 hours ago
I'm not lying look it up, detox from alcohol i'm an aloholic "recovering"

Answers: 17 hours ago
I'm not lying look it up, detox from alcohol i'm an aloholic "recovering" Yes.
17 years clean and sober..... i know No but I want to know I love to drink! who told you that, they are lying, i bet it was a smoker Yes. In excess it is poison. Yet in moderation there are benefits. You raise a good point. Eight pints in one night can cause alcohol poisoning, even in someone with a high tolerance. Yea. Do you? well alcohol used in mar gen can relieve head aches and be used to help fall asleep red wine is good for your white blood cells. so it isn't all that bad is it Yes thats why i barely drink except on special occasions. yes, alcoholism was deemed a DISEASE by the AMA back in '56 I believe and it is a progressive disease that will kill. probably best i dont detox then. my liver has been shuddering of late alcohol isn't bad for you alcoholism is. I am a beer drinker, and micro brews and homebrews have loads of B vitamins among other vitamins. Medical research is showing that light to moderate drinking reduces fat that builds up around the heart and in the arteries, reducing the risk for heart attack and heart disease. It also helps in insulin production, so it lowers the risk of diabetes. There is also research that shows a correlation to reduced risk for stroke.

However, if one is a heavy drinker, any health benefits from alcohol will be negated. Yes, I do. Do you?

Too much alcohol will lead to a lot of health problems. One of the best example would be liver failure. You will also put on weight as it contains a lot of calories. Binge drinking is really bad as well. However, alcohol taken moderately would not be too bad. Apparently, one glass of red wine does wonders for your health....only benefit those who are 40 and above though.

I'm sure proper detox will not kill you. However, if you're worried, get guidance from your GP who knows your medical history. Yes, and not detoxing can kill you or damage your brain if you drink heavily every day.
Yet it's fun so I drink anyway. stil alive after 30 years of alcohol and smoking .
But now find it difficult to understand what people mean by FRESH AIR, <it is polluted. Death from Liver failure Too much of anything is bad. People have died from drinking too much water. Too much sunlight will give you skin cancer. Too much Yahoo! Answers will surely cause some damage as well.

You only live once, so enjoy it. Alcohol is very bad on the human physiology. But then only if we abuse it. I love to drink... and drink... and well drink! Beer is my gig.

Years ago I took a court ordered class on drugs & alcohol after a DUI. A video was shown about the effects of alcohol on the human body. It was taught by a medical doctor from the University of California, Irvine. The thing that really stood out was his quote, "alcohol is physically more harsh on the body than herion." Now of course he was not promoting one over the other but wanted us, "alkies" to know its harm.
He then went on describing medically alocohols effect on the skin, liver, kidney, lungs, pancreas, colon, and more. I was so upset after that video that I needed mass quanities of belgian beer (BURP!). LOL

But of course we now know in mod. it can be healthful also.

P. S. I have also heard that detox can kill. It is best done under medical supervision for the severere alcoholic or drug user.

Peace & Love Thy Self Alcohol is bad when you abuser help relaxes yours body when you get off from work. I know it does destroy your liver and I'm sure other things too but yet I still drink. thats a lie...its good for you You so0o0o0o rock dude!! Yes i know. My cousin's real dad was ruined by it!!! i hate alcohol.

coco yes alcohol is okay . it's only weak people who become addicted, i know a 64 yr old man who drinks and runs a profit making business. Yeah yeah thank you for the public service announcement. Pretty aware but am well known for pushing the boundaries i'm afraid!! i had to detox years ago, it was a new approach to the problem, they used on me the very drug that killed Keith Moon.
Im still drinking but without the bad habits i had back then. But i am afraid that ultimately it may well be the winner one day??
My attitude to most of my bad habits is being addressed now actually, but booze is the hard one for me to sort!! Drink to much of any kind of alcohol is not good for your health.

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