Why does alcohol make me get violent? Everytime i go out drinking, i always end up in a fight.?!


Why does alcohol make me get violent? Everytime i go out drinking, i always end up in a fight.?

I never win the fights, i just like fighting when i drunk. I can't drink right now because my jaw is wired shut. Why alcohol make me violent?

Answers: Same thing happens to me. So I stopped drinking. When you plan to drink and get drunk, well, who plans on getting drunk...LOL....anyways, just drink with ALOT of your friends, this way, if you get into something, either they can stop you and break it up, or you got a lot of people who have your back. LOL!!!! You're drunk and can't think. Alcohol is a depressant. I suggest stop drinking if you are gonna fight everytime. obviously alcohol does something to your brain. why cant you go out for a drink without getting drunk. just have enough to make you merry not out of your face. dont you know when you have had enough. if you cant take your alcohol, then dont drink. because that's what you've done before?
every time you GO OUT drinking? what about sitting at home with a friend or two chilling watching tv or listening to music?

would I be right in guessing your jaw is wired shut due to a fight?

why do you "like" fighting when your drunk? be truthful it's probably that your a violent person anyway, and the alcohol is more of an excuse to act that way.

maybe anger management is the way to go? or finding a positive outlet for it! When you are buzzed, your judgement is loosened, where more is acceptable to the mind. While something you would normally avoid may occur when you are drinking, that slurred judgement will go ahead and make violence an option. You might want to either slow your total drinking in an evening, or moderate by hour or half-hour. I'm not a councelor, but this website is where I got it from. Hope this helps, and hope your jaw gets better. it doesn't really make you violent. It just makes you stupid.
When you are drunk you dont think of the consequences of your actions. It lowers your inhibitions and makes you more likely to act on stupid impulses. Think about this before you drink next time. We live in a different time now where you cant just go around fighting everyone. Nowdays people are more likely to press charges. If you keep on fighting eventually you are going to end up with an assault conviction and that could screw with you for the rest of your life. This can cause a very bad life..Please get some help!!! You could end you with time in jail for fighting or severely hurting someone, or killing someone.
If marriage enters your life, you will probably be a violent husband and father. The marriage won't work, may lose your kids, pay lots of child support and not see your kids.
Is it worth it?? You also may end up severely hurt or seriously, there is always someone who can whip your butt. This is what AA is for ------get the help ASAP before you really regret it!!!!!! well you are going to end up dead if you keep fighting and not winning.i suggest you get professional help if you are drinking liquor stop drink beer. if that does not work only go to places where a fight is expected. this will cure you or kill you. either way problem solved. also think about this more people are calling the cops and pressing charges these days so you could end up heading to jail for 6 mouths to a year. Do you remember why you get into a fight. slow down a little maybe its some unconscious anger that you let out when your drunk Alcohol doesn't make you violent, you've got issues. Alcohol breaks down inhibitions and lets you act out, in ways you don't act when you're sober. If you can't figure out the problem(s) for yourself, you should get help.

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