Is there a legal alcohol level for minors?!?!


Is there a legal alcohol level for minors?!?

I just read this news story about an 11 year old girl got charged with a DUI. This is what the last sentance said "Duck declined to release the girl's blood alcohol level but said a blood test at the hospital showed it was higher than .02, the legal limit for minors." I didn't know there WAS a legal limit for minors? Am I crazy or has nobody else heard of this before either?

Answers: "The maximum blood alcohol limit for adults over 21 is 0.08 percent alcohol in the blood by volume, and 0.02 percent for minors. Carlson explains this is not because adults can safely consume more alcohol than minors, but rather, to discourage illegal consumption of alcohol by minors. The limit for minors was placed at 0.02 instead of zero because of legal technicalities."

Things like cold medcines (i.e. Ny-Quil) and Listerine (although you're not to swallow it, of course) have alcohol...maybe it's 0.02 incase children take things like that...? Source(s): Yes there is a legal limit for minors, and it varies by state. Under the legal limit, the minor is likely to be charged with something else.... No, it is against the law for minors to drink. well any level is legal for minors there not suppose to be drinking.. expecually a freaking 11 year old. whats wrong with parents these days.. no one takes care of there kids.. 11 years old. god thats rediculice. That is news to me! I have never heard of that?! the legal limit is 0, so anything that would show up at all in a minor would be considered illegal Wow I would think it would be uhmmm ZERO. There shouldn't be a legal limit for minors if they aren't legally of age to drink. No matter what its against the law. Its like saying whats the legal limit a minor can smoke. I've never heard of a child's blood alcohol level limit. Didn't think I needed to because kids aren't supposed to drink...But a 12 year old can take NyQuil which use to and might (?) still have alcohol in it so that would give them a reading. Yes, it's NONE! 0 is the leagal limit! and why would an 11 yr old girl be driving? i have never heard of this since you can,t buy alcohol until 21 years of age A kid driving with any trace of alchohol in his/her system will be charged. Either as a DUI if over .02, or driving while impaired if under .02 other charges can be minor in possesion of alchohol, reckless endangerment if other minors are in the car etc. Best bet, don't drink and drive at ANY age, and don't drink if under 21. It isn't worth the consequences. Considering there's a required age to drink alcohol, as well as to drive a car or any other motor vehicle, I would
say you're not the one who's crazy. What a world... There is a legal limit .02 it is illegal to posess or purchase alcohol if you are a minor. There is no law about consuming No, its just not legal til your 21. The girl that got a DUI because she was drunk at the akon concert and didn't have any supervision. as far as i know there is no legal alcohol level.. that's why it's called zero tolerance. 0.0. Any higher and you are in trouble. .02 is above the legal limit for a minor because the legal limit is .00 it is illegal for a minor to have ANY alcohol in their system. Most states have no tolerence, but some redneck states still have a 0.02% BAC limit. Just as a reference, swallowing half a mouthful of Listerine would give an 85 lb girl a BAC around 0.04%. So no mouthwash!

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