A question for UK smokers only!?!
A question for UK smokers only!?
Will the week old smoking ban (in public places) put you off going to the pub? I went out to the pub tonight and, as an occasional smoker, found it a bit tough.
I am a smoker, and realise smokers are a minority. It isn't harming our human rights, since we may still smoke. Just go outside! It IS harming people's human rights when we smoke in the pub and non-smokers have to inhale it, since no one can choose not to breathe.
It wouldn't put me off. Wetherspoons in Southport banned smoking a couple of years ago, even in the OUTDOOR seated area! And it is a lovely, clean pub.
Only problem I see is there are some landlords who can't make customers stop snorting coke off the bar -how will they stop them smoking?