How many shots will it take to get me drunk but...?!


How many shots will it take to get me drunk but...?

How many shots will it take to get me really but not puking drunk. And i have english finals tommarow and i dont want to get a hang over so how should i space out my drinks.Btw im going to be drink like 40%.

Additional Details

2 days ago
lol...sryy...I'm a 16 year old boy. 6 feet tall, 165 lbs . I Drink once every month or so and when i do its all out.

2 days ago
lol...sryy...I'm a 16 year old boy. 6 feet tall, 165 lbs . I Drink once every month or so and when i do its all out.

I'd say if you had 6 shots over the span of 2 or 3 hours you'd buzzed enough, and if you wait the time you shouldn't have a hang over, drink water before you go to bed. Be careful though. Check this website out for calculating your blood alcohol content. After entering in the data, the website gives you a theoretical blood alcohol content percentage. From that percentage, you can calculate how drunk you are. Note: This number is theoretical because everyone is different, be careful.

dont drink at all

For one this is the silliest question EVER! However to answer it truly you need to know a lot more...for example how much you you drink often, how old you are...and so on. For genera you probably can do about two shoots..and maybe a few beers 4 max. Please do not drink and drive...and eat something...the more you eat and more you hydrate the better it is, and the more you can drink. Also take some vitamin c and A before a binge,,,,they help get ride of hang over. But you have t do it before you drink.
Also drink LOTS of water....

8-10 none after midnight and you will be sober in the morning, don't know about the hang over, just in case tomorrow is on your finals that's how you spell it

My first time getting drunk, I had about 4 1/2 shots of 151... I didn't throw up though, but I was pretty dizzy and couldn't move much. But the next morning I was fine - no hangovers!

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