How old were you when you had your first drink?!


How old were you when you had your first drink?

Be honest.
Im just curious, im not going to report you (even if you were under-age).
My answer- Never drank before.
What's your's?


Probably about 5 - sip of my dad's beer at Christmas.
First 'proper' drink - 16

I had an occasional celebratory glass of champagne starting sometime in my late teens, I guess... 18-19. First actual drink was when I turned 21.

First time I got drunk was 16


This'll sound absurd, but I kid you not. I wasn't even a year old.

I was 5 or six. It was a small sip of my dad's beer. I had my first "real" drink when I was 18 and a half. In college. January of 1982. It was 3.2 beer and it was legal for an 18 year old to drink it. It took me 3-4 years before I liked the taste. Now I drink on a regular basis.

I was around 17, my friend talked me into it, and we finished a bottle of Vodka. I could not even stand up but he seemed OK and ended up driving me home. My Dad kick my *** needless to say.

the first time I remember is 13 at my aunts halloween party
jungle juice

probably about 9. Snuk a beer out of our fridge and hid in the back yard and drank it. Didn't care for it. Like it now though.

I was 12. I got drunk on Peppermint Schnapps. It was New Years Eve 1985. I was at my friends house, we were waiting for her mom to get home so she could drive us up to the playground for some youth activities geared at keeping kids off the streets, out of trouble, and away from drugs. Her mom was late, and we got into the liqour cabinet. Leave it to me to show up drunk. Nobody knew, or at least didnt say anything. God I miss the 80's, LOL!

I was 12 years old me and some friends stole the vodka out of the parents liquor cabinet and drank the whole damn fifth...boy were we sick ...dont drink much now so maybe it was a good lesson.( i am 32 now)

I was around 14-15 when I drank a bottle and a half of MD 20/20 (wine). I loved the taste of it on that day. I kept falling down, fell off my bike a couple times, and had to talk to a cop (glad he was a good friend of my dads). When I got home that day, I threw up, and blamed it on some kool-aid that my mom had bought. My mom bought my story, but my dad said he could smell the alcohol. A couple days later the police officer told my dad about the situation as well. I didn't get in any trouble because my dad said he figured I learned my lesson. After that day, I can not drink 20/20. The smell of it kinda makes me feel sick.
That is my story of my first drunk.
I probably had my first drink when I was in single digits, age wise. My parents used to throw a lot of parties, and I would snag a sip every now and then.

Nine- My mom let me try beer.

I started drinking for real at parties or gatherings at age 13 though.

I was 16, 1977 summer Bacardi 151 hot no ice , coke , potato chips. Can you guess what happen next?

It was November 28th 1959. I were about 2 hours old and was brest fed my mother was an alki. So she had alcohol in her milk that is how I had my first drink.

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