Smoking vs Drinking?!


Smoking vs Drinking?

Why is smoking more acceptable than drinking, I don't smoke, I have two kids so I don't infest their lungs with smoke but everyone around me does smoke and looks down on me for having a beer-what gives??

I have an extremely high tolerance of alcohal, four - six of any time of drink doesn't even get me tipsy. So I don't drink to get drunk, my kids care is never in jeopardy and I usually do the drinking on the weekend, but there are occassions on a hot sunny day, I am outside drinking during the week day.

I am just curious on the double standard? You smoke to relax as do I with a cold bottle of beer/glass of wine.

having a drink here and there is way better and those retards shouldn't be judging!!! I like to have a drink 2-3 times a week and here where I live there are tones of places to go sit relax and have a drink, wine, beer or my fav appltini's so don't worry- my boyfriend and I like to drink responsibly to and we have to boys at home 8 and 11(his Kids) and it is no problem what so ever. And yes sometimes on saturdays we lay by the pool and start the drinking early. But I am like you I don't do it to get wasted! those poeple are just jealous and hypocrites. Tell em smoking is disgusting and makes them stink and there mouths are nasty! it they offend you you get right back at them! they are just being all self righteous. It is OK to do what your doing like you said your always safe right?!?!? then F U K it!

ganja is alright too. i wouldn't know i don't use it....;0)

I personally think drinking is more acceptable then smoking! Don't worry, people agree with you!

Smoking is way worse...Just as long as you dont drink and drive and are responsible with your kids, i dont see a problem. I grew up around my mother having an occasional beer and it wasnt a problem...cheers!

Try smoking marihuana IS THE BEST trust me ull be definently realx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drinking is better than smoking. Just don't drink and drive. Moderation is the key and second hand smoke can be a killer.

To see someone sit down and have more than 2-3 beers they may seem to be an alcoholic because beer is not addictive so you chose to have more than 2-3.

I will ask you a question my dear

WHY do you really care what other people think??

If you are happy and your kids are happy - SO what ?

On the other hand - IF you have alcoholic tendencies (like myself), are you trying to justify your actions ?

Been there - done that- got the T shirt, the coffee mug and the trophy for DENIAL

Not trying to wind you up -- just give what I say some serious thought okay?

Good Luck and God Bless your socks off !!

I see no problem with that. You should live where I do, that's all anybody here does. It's a small town with a fair share of places to go drink as well as everyone is on the front/back porch drinking in the evenings. We're pretty laid back here. If your kids aren't in jeopardy, I'd tell them to lay off!

Smoking may be worse for you in the long run, but it's more socially accepted because it doesn't impair you the way alcohol does. It's not fair, as you seem to be able to control your alcohol intake well, but unfortunately, all of the people who drink and drive or die of alcohol poisoning give it the negative stigma.

I understand your question, I would think that Alcohol is more looked down upon is because the negative affects of drinking make themselves apparent in a much quicker and more public way I.E. drunk driving accidents, alcoholism, abusiveness, violence etc etc. But with smoking all you really get is a bad smell and you might hear about someone getting cancer or heart disease. Not exactly front-line news compared to "drunk man beats wife and kids and then kills himself driving" know what I mean. On the other hand smoking is becoming way more taboo then it used to be. The "Truth" commercials and viral campaigns, a raise on cigarette taxes, and cities all over the country banning smoking indoors. Most new restaurants don't even have smoking sections now. Where as knocking back a few on the weekend at your house by the grill is very widely accepted and a pretty classic American image.

yeah, personally, i think that smoking is more dangerous then drinking. Like secondhand smoke for example, thats the worst! and its so common. By drinking, as long as you are not being stupid with it, is basically harmless.

just fix that with one swoop.....
next time.....
get you a pack of cigarettes.
set them on the table with your beer next to them
and get a bottle of pain killers and set them next to the can...
naturally don't indulge in them but just set them out.
that'll give em something to talk about.

You might be developing aclohol tolerence, which is an early sign of alcohol addiction.

Note to Needtoknow:

You claim that a person who drinks more than you approve of must be an alcohol addict (you use the contraction for alcoholic addict, alcoholic), since alcohol isn't addictive. Where is your logic that someone is an alcohol addict by choice because alcohol isn't addictive?

no its the otherway around, smoking is looked down upon more than drinking

In Canada, smoking is the worst thing you can do!!! You can't smoke inside anywhere, 40 below or not , your outside!
But having a couple drinks is not a problem just be responsible

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