Is it ok for a 14 year old to drink under parental supervision?!


Is it ok for a 14 year old to drink under parental supervision?

im 14 just got back from the 8th grade grad ceremoney n stuff. my uncle gave me some cruzan run mixed with coke.. i drank 2 cups. is this OK?

One thing that everyone has failed to mention, is the way society (teenagers) view alcohol. Growing up, my parents allowed my to have a glass of wine at special meals like Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Easter, etc. In addition, my dad shared a beer with me on occasion. Although most of you are probably looking down on these practices..It taught me something. It taught me that drinking is for a mature audience and showed me that my parents trusted me and that drinking should be a occasion shared for a good cause. i.e.....Bonding, celebration, recognition, etc.

As a result of my parents sharing that with me, I never had the impulse to secretly drink as a teenager with friends as a rebellious action. Drinking was not a bad think to me. I think if more teenagers had that type of upbringing you would see less news headlines about kids killed while drinking and driving or college kids that die from alcohol poisoning.

So I say....go ahead. Share those special occasions with your kids and help them feel like an adult and that you trust them to make the right decisions. You may be surprised at the outcome.

NO! Wait until you're 21.

That's a really stupid question....unless you really dont know. The legal drinking age is 21.

um.. no it can rot ur imune system and ur digestive system.

Ummm.... no, it's illegal. And you could like get really sick if you drink too much.

No, alchohol affects your brain in a negative way while it is still developing. Your brain stops developing when you're about 21, so there's actually a scientific reasoning behind the legal drinking age.

its ok when your celebrating but dont get into a habit of it, alcoholics are becoming more comon and its not a fun thing to deal with. be careful. cheers

No - and because your uncle supplied doesn't make it ok - adults use poor judgment also.
In the future politely say no, and be proud of your decision!

Don't do it on a regular basis. At 14 years old you are still growing and developing, and you don't want to drink alcohol as it could be detrimental to that. Grow up good. Stay off it til you're 21

Legally, no. Your uncle could land into serious trouble for this.

However, if you are a responsible individual, and realize the affects, both physical and mental that alcohol has, then do what you may. Remember also in the long term. Understand almost every consequence that could befall you if you are to drink.

Everything in moderation (the moderate varies from thing to thing).

well...for one night its fine, but make sure you don't make this your habit because drinking at early age creates problem when you grow up. Drinks have alcohol which is not good for young body as it weakens the bones. its safe when a person becomes and adult because by that time, his body is fully made.

Your uncle broke the law in serving you alcohol. He could be charged with a number of criminal offenses.

Not in the US, but in other countries it's perfectly fine.
In Japan, we celebrate Girls' Day for daughters with sweet treats including a mildly sweet rice wine. While in Europe, our kids enjoyed sharing our 'radlers' [?] which were biers mixed with citronade/7Up, on hot days at the fests. My Serbian friends enjoy giving slivovitz shots to teens after going hunting....
It's cultural I suppose. Legal aspects aside, I think it was a nice gesture of your uncle to offer a man's drink.

RUN, HIDE, GET TO THE CLOSET!!Isn't there another tornado coming through your town soon? Does your family tree have one branch? Oh, and Cruzan sucks, have him give you a good drink the next time you're when you knock up your girlfriend/sister at age 15. Crack open a bottle of Boone's Strawberry wine! COME ON!!! I really hope someone here gets my humor. P. S. I am a bartender. JEESUSSSSS! WTF???

No, my young friend, it is not. Your body is in a great growth mode now and adding drugs, which includes alcohol, will not do anything good for you. Your uncle is not concerned with your well being by doing this, more likely, just wants to get you drunk and laugh at you, and get your other relatives to make fun of you, as well. Guess how you will feel later on, a few years later, when they think of you as the fool.
Man, you have plenty of time to make up your own mind as to how you want to be seen and respected as a man.
Don't let some idiot push you into it. You are too valuable.
Good thinking on your choices.


Holy crap, you'd think the sky was falling.
If you have a couple of drinks a year, you're not going to die. It's not ok to drink heavily whether you're supervised or not, but it's better to be supervised. Don't go stealing booze from the bar or beer from the fridge.
If your parents didn't know about it, it's not ok.
I'm more concerned about an 8th grade graduation ceremony.

NO, it is not OK
u r still small your immune system is not strong.therefore u should wait a little till 21.

ummmm...he shouldnt have...

Wow, I just dropped ten thumbs downs on some folks. Uh yeah, it is absolutely ok.

A couple drinks at your age isn't going to do anything and your Uncle won't get into trouble unless you get drunk and do something stupid. The rest of the people are right. Don't get into a habit of drinking at this early of an age. But for a big celebration like this a couple drinks is fine. He probably poured the drinks nice and weak. Just something to make you feel loose and happy.

No--14 is way to young to start that! 21 for a reason!!!!

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