


I am a women 20 yr old. i don't usually drink too much like 2 drinks maximum 3 every weekend. what is the maximum i can take before ending drunk? I am medium tall

will vary from person to person. depending on weight, fitness, metabolic rate and tolerance to alcohol.

Depends on several factors, age, hight weight, what you have eaten etc. Different people are effected in different ways. Enjoy alcohol responsibly, drink what you are comfortable with and are happy with and you will be fine.

Personal License holder

It's really an individual thing, when you feel tipsy you can be sure you'll be drunk after the next 2
Medium, tall does not give your body weight and that is a big factor, as is sometimes your frame of mind when you start drinking

I would say double the amount you drink now will do it, but it depends if you have eaten anything first or eat while drinking as food slows down the effects.

I dont drink now after a really heavy binge 7 years ago, which made me really ill for several days. Cant stand the smell of it now. I would say your tolerance depends on a lot of factors, as mentioned in previous answers. However, you find that your tolerance changes. The more you drink, the more you are able to drink. The spririt measures have recently changed (May 07), so you'd need to think about that too. If you just like feeling pleasantly tiddly, have a glass of orange juice and lemonade or something, before it gets to the stage where you feel plastered. I think you are doing fine as you are.

A really good rule of thumb for anyone is one and one half drinks per night. More than that, and your mental function is compromised. That's why laws only allow so much in any person's blood to consider them over or above the legal limit.

If you follow this rule and sip and not chug, you will:
Never say things you may regret (that you usually would not say)
Never have your judgement impaired greatly

And an interesting fact:

Alcohol will adversely effect the function of every system in the physiology except one; hearing.

It will damage everything else including skin, nails, teeth, hair, bones, vision, nerves, blood, and all organs, including the brain. Hearing always remains intact and unaffected by alcohol consumption.

You are smart by your limited intake. A tidbit from a recent news article shows that a woman's brain function is more compromised using alcohol than a man's. It will show up in memory loss and general non-clarity over time.

In my opinion, there is nothing more unattractive than a drunk human, male or female. Especially if you are sober and watching others drink to excess.

Stay smart. Your body will thank you later in your life.

As you are not used to drinking, you can take about 4 small pegs or 2 large pegs. Slowly when you will get used to it you can increase it.

I way I judge it, When I can't get up to get another drink I stop for a while.

It depends if you dont drink much usally then it wouldnt take much @ all.

Like other people have said, it depends how much you eat and tolerence ect but most people can tell when there starting to get drunk. 3 max a weekend wont get you drunk.
just be carefull and youl be fine! =)

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