how to drink without getting drunk? i know it's teorically imposible but many of my friends can drink a lot without any noticable effect on them and i am sure they don't drink regularly so there should be some trick.eat before you drink or eat as you drink or smth like that...?
Some of your friends may have just already drunk their livers into oblivion.
If you don't want to get "drunk" - first I'd say get drunk. Only after you determine how much it takes for you to get drunk can you know where your cut-off point should be. Once you've determined this you can set limits for yourself, pace yourself, or simply don't drink alcoholic beverages.
DON'T EAT FATTY FOODS! - unless you really don't give a crap about your health. Even though alcoholic beverages are not "fattening" in themselves, meaning they don't contain fats only carbs and proteins, alcohol actually shuts off the chemical in your body that helps to burn fat. Plus, with all the carbs in beer you're consuming, technically if you don't burn them off they can be stored as fat. And if fat gets stored around your liver this could lead to liver disease.