How much liquor is supposed to get me a buzz or drunk?!


How much liquor is supposed to get me a buzz or drunk?

I'm 18, 5 feet tall , and i weigh about 115 pounds. I had a bottle of captain morgan's (12 oz) once and it did absolutely nothing to me... it was my first time drinking. This other time, I basically chugged a bottle of vodka (Smirnoff 12 oz) and it went straight to my head but I didn't get drunk... I don't even know if I got a buzz. I got scared cause for a minute I couldn't hear anything and felt like I was going to black out - is that normal?... then I kind of instantly recovered and went swimming right after and I felt fine.

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15 hours ago
Yeah I know I'm too young, I get it. I was with my friends... and I'm not an alcoholic, I only drank twice in my life and I consider myself a responsible person (i.e. no drinking and driving). I'm just wondering why the alcohol didn't affect me the way that you would expect... that's all.

14 hours ago
Yeah you're right... chugging isn't responsible... I don't know what I was thinking that night. I guess I wasn't. Thanks for the wake up call everyone :)


Dear Christina,

I am actually not apposed to people of a mature status drinking alcohol. BUT... drinking is very serious and you need to be careful. Drinking fast (chugging) any type of alcohol is dangerous and IS NOT responsible.

I went to college so that I can produce alcohol but I never wish to think, let alone know that any person especially a young one is abusing the products that I make.

Please check yourself and slow the drinking.

Take care.

P.S. YES. those symptoms you have stated are extremly serious. Please do not drink in such a reckless manner.

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