Kegger dilema?!


Kegger dilema?

im 17 years old and i got invited to a kegger at my friends cottage next week? i don't think my parents would allow me to go but i really want to go as this is my fisrt kegger. how do i convince them to let me go? i don't actually plan on getting completely drunk.

Not a good idea. Even if you don't plan on getting drunk, peer pressure sometimes will take over. And.. isn't it illegal! That would hurt your parents as they are responsible for you. My son had a kegger one time when I was out of town. He was so afraid something would happen, he was the only one that didn't drink. My house was spotless when I got home. I didn't find out for a long time what had happened. He was very lucky! Too many times, things go wrong!
Take care! ~-~

It depends on how open communication is between you and your parents. You could simply tell them you're going out with friends, visiting a friend at college, or going to a party. I wouldn't say you won't get so drunk, because that implies that you will be drinking.

But don't be upset if they don't let you go. You'll have plenty of keggers in your future, I'm sure.

No good answer. Wait another year or two before you start ging to keggers. It is too easy for you to get in to trouble at your age. Good Luck

Tell them you'll call them from the party let them know how you are. See if they want to take you home.

aaahhhh completely drunk....don't use the "I won't get completely drunk" line on your parents

not for nothing and we are all 17 at one point but you are either drunk or not......

What you should do is go to the kegger and stay sober and see what happens to all of those who are "not completely drunk" may look at some people and drinking a little differently

i'm assuming you've just asked your parents if you could go with your friends to the cottage for the weekend. not that you want to go to a kegger.
if you've got some time before you go...ask your parents. tell them you're willing to work to go and prove your responsible around the house. tell them it's really important to you. give them the other parents phone numbers so they can talk to them if they'd feel more comfortable about it.
but it sounds like your parents just aren't ready to go, my parents used to call me all night when i could go out until i moved out of the house. they're just doing what they think is right...and really, they probably are. a kegger at your friends cottage probably isnt the best idea anyway, as cool as it sounds.

You don't plan on getting drunk but you probably will. If you go your just looking for problems.

Skip it, wait until you get to college. That is, after all, what it's there for.

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