The oily texture of whiskey ? Question for alcoholics .?!


The oily texture of whiskey ? Question for alcoholics .?

It makes a friend of mine vomit . He ends up having to drink a lot of fruit juice with each sip . He can hold his liquor , that's not the problem . He feels like he is swallowing oil when he takes whiskey alone , it makes him retch . But drinking all that juice is not a solution either , aometimes he would like to drink where the bathroom is not close . So , what do you suggest for a nice intoxication experience without nausea ?

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3 weeks ago
Um , it's Johnny Walker . (50 pounds a bottle) .
The problem is not with the alcohol level , last time he finished 3 quarters of a bottle before going to sleep ( or rather loosing consciousness ) .
The problem is with the feeling it gives in his throat , he must take something directly after tossing the alcohol down . Juice , soft drink , cashews , AND smoke . The nauseating effect is less when the whiskey is refrigerated .

3 weeks ago
Um , it's Johnny Walker . (50 pounds a bottle) .
The problem is not with the alcohol level , last time he finished 3 quarters of a bottle before going to sleep ( or rather loosing consciousness ) .
The problem is with the feeling it gives in his throat , he must take something directly after tossing the alcohol down . Juice , soft drink , cashews , AND smoke . The nauseating effect is less when the whiskey is refrigerated .

Oily? Alcohol is a solvent, any oils would be broken down on contact. Maybe he should witch to wine or beer.

Well....if it's only whiskey that does it, give him something else to drink. Or, if he's a smoker, have him drink and smoke....that's what works for me if I'm a little pukey when drinking. Could even be the brand of whiskey he's drinking, all of them are a little different, especially if he's drinking the cheap stuff. Good whiskey is worth the splurge, and if he still can't take it, you can drink it!

He just may not be able to drink whiskey straight, some people just can't. I can't drink rum, no matter what. Just let him drink it however he can, or find something else he likes to drink. Best of luck to ya!

I've never noticed that Whiskey had an oily texture...I don't know what kind you are drinking, but it doesn't sound like it was distilled very good...
I would certainly stay away from the fruit juice, it has too much sugar and will contribute more easily to vomiting than the alcohol (which is also high in sugar).
Try mixing one part whiskey (preferably Seagrams 7) with one part water and one part 7-up. The bubbles (like they do when you have a stomach ache) will help with the vomiting, and the water will cut the taste of the whiskey.
Otherwise...maybe you ought to switch to beer or wine coolers. Vodka has a little less tang than whiskey and can be easily mixed with water straight up..
Finally DO NOT buy the cheap stuff..It's cheap for a reason...

ok lets under stand one thing some people cannot drink whisky period.some cannot handle rum.Others retch on vodka.The only advice I have is mix it with pop and drink water to chase it.Also eat a decent meal nothing greasy before least 2 or 3 hours before hand.Just accept that some people cant handle whiskey,some spin on wine its highly individual and has to do with body chemistry.Sometimes the same people who have a hard time on whisky later find that they are in the beggining stages of diabetes so just dont give him to hard a time.

Switch to Beer, I average a case a day and I never have a problem.

Well DUH!!!!! the obvious answer is to not drink whiskey. Besides if he is drinking most of a bottle to the point of passing out what is the point? Passing out doesn't sound like a "nice intoxication experience" to me. The nausea is nature's way of saying "This is a pretty stupid thing you are doing", maybe he should listen.

after all of that and he still seek it..........have his brain cells checked............i bet the count is low.........
this what strong drink do when it control a person......
it stings like an hornet
it bits like a serpent
it causes you to flee when no man is chasing you
you feel as if you're lien on the sea and toss about
but when the morning seek it again

i never notice dat whiskey texture like oil...maybe he just not suitable to drink whiskey...ask him to try other drinks...

My suggestion is MOONSHINE. Come to America go to a very rural area and find someone that has a full beard, long hair and no teeth in overalls ask this person where to find said moonshine. No oil texture its more like rocket fuel. one or two sips and you are good to go. Be careful it will take you to another level.

Moonshine- Homemade grain or corn alcohol made in a still in the backwoods of rural America. AKA- White lightning

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