I need information on Bartles & Jaymes Strawberry daquaries...?!
I need information on Bartles & Jaymes Strawberry daquaries...?
i need to no like % of alcohol, like if the come in 6 packs or 24 if possible or watever and the prices of these...if any1 could help it would b great...thanks
I think they only have like 4%, but I'm not for sure... and I've only ever seen them in 4 packs at the store.
All the Bartles & Jaymes coolers are about 4% alcohol by volume as they are actually malt (beer) based - they've not been made with wine for many years.
They only come in 4 packs, but you could ask to buy a full case, which is 24 bottles.
If you pay more than $3.99 a 4-pack that is way too much. They are almost always on sale somewhere for $2.99.