Do i have a drinking problem??!


Do i have a drinking problem??

okay well im 16 years old and ive already been to the emergency room once to have my stomach pumped & ive been drinking since i was 13. me and friends have realized we don't know how to have fun without drinking, and its true. being sober is boring. i can drink a lot more than most girls my age, even ones who are bigger than me. in the past two nights ive drank by myself because im bored. ive been taking pain killers while drinking too in order to get the effect quicker. ive drank a 1/2 bottle of absolute vodka tonight and yesterday.. while taking 2 pain killers before drinking, yet i only end up somewhat buzzed, not even drunk. do i have a problem.. or is this normal for a teenager to do?

Additional Details

1 day ago
no im completely serious. its not even something im proud of.. who wants to have to drink a lot to get drunk? waste of money. my tolerance bothers me actually. i mean before yesterday i never drank at home by myself, but these are the first days this summer without anything to do, so i decided to get drunk with myself. everyone i know around here drinks though, so is it really a problem?

1 day ago
its not like i drink because its all i have, i drink cuz i love to do it. i play sports -- basketball and soccer. i do it because i like the taste and the feeling of being drunk.. but it keeps getting harder and harder to achieve

1 day ago
oh, and im a girl at 5 foot 1. 115 pounds. i can drink more than my guy friends who are twice my size.

1 day ago
oh, sorry for adding more details. but me and my friends normally hang out at a bar too & get server there.. thats how we spend our weekends. the bartenders give us free shots and money to spend on drinks because we bring in crowds i guess. i dont know. my friends are all around the same age by the way

1 day ago
AGAIN, I AM A GIRL. my name on here must really throw people off, but just so you guys know.. im a girl, not a guy

1 day ago
another thing. im not depressed, personally i think lifes great. and i drink while my parents are home or not home. i dont care either way.


Ok, love, u know deep down that u have a problem or u wouldn't be asking this question. I'm sorry if u think that being sober is boring, but u know what? Ur gonna say I'm just lecturing u, but the best way to be is SOBER. U say u've been drinking since u were 13. If a teen starts drinking at or before 13 then the chances are higher than if u were older, of u becoming alcoholic. Did u know that?
Please get help. I'm in my 40's and I've been alcoholic since I was in my early 20's. It breaks my heart to see so many children (yeah, u are still a child, no matter what u think) becoming dependent on alcohol. Don't wait any longer please get help.... u could be dead before u reach 20. No jokes.

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