What kind of alcoholic drink should i drink when i turn 21????!


What kind of alcoholic drink should i drink when i turn 21????

i don't turn 21 till september...but im just thinkin ahead....hehe.....what drink should i have when i go out that night????

None. Don't take that first drink. why take the chance of ruining your life.

That depends on your tastes, I prefer a red wine. But what ever you choose make sure you have a taxi lined up or even a limo for the night.

Vodka, avoid the Jager at all cost!!

If you have to drink, try Southern Comfort. It's good sipping straight up. You can mix it with coke too. Don't drink too much of it. It will knock you flat before you know it.

Listen to 'Freedom,' get yourself and your friends a limo...do it right. I lost 2 friends on different occasions on their 21st birthdays. There were supposed to be designated drivers, drinks were heavy, thought process were not working, designated drivers drank and.....If you know your going to go out plan now save up and get that limo. I'm not preaching against drinking, everything in moderation. However, if your going to get drunk (and possibly sick , you'll learn what not to do;) but please learn quickly what to do, get a pro driver, and get you and your friends home and in one piece!
Happy Birthday, and many more to you...

try 151 rum in mass quanties

St Pauli's Girl, McWhoozit's or any so-called 'N-A' beer. I'm told that in spite of the name they have a tad of alcohol in them, not enough to make the guzzler drunk but enough to start any tyro tippler on the road to Boozerville.
Have fun and get sick-drunk like many of us did. It may help you avoid over-drinking for life.
Ted's suggestion -Southern Comfort- made a believer out of me at an early age...sick, sick, sick. (And if you drive drunk I will vomit on your dashboard).
Good luck.

go ghetto style! drink some 2dub baby, yeeah!

Alabama slammers are a good choice.( it's a fruity drink), tequila sunrise, one eyed purple people eater, cherry, bluerasberry UV and lemonade. are good for drinks. shoots - cherry cheese cake, peppermint Pattie, kamikaze, sex on the beach, ******** ( this one has whipp cream topping, very good) three wise men. hope that helps you.

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