Beer from the tap, can, or bottle?!


Beer from the tap, can, or bottle?

My friend doesn't agree with me that they taste different.
What is your opinion?
I like Rolling Rock from the bottle, whenever I have it on tap I don't like it.
Also the Sam Adams Summer ale.
Any beers that you have noticed this about???

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3 weeks ago
yea, I've heard that about guiness. I'm not a big fan, but with that it's all about the tap and the presentation, and letting it settle!

3 weeks ago
yea, I've heard that about guiness. I'm not a big fan, but with that it's all about the tap and the presentation, and letting it settle!

Glass bottle is best I think. Then I would say Draft. Can beer sucks. Killians to me tastes completly different if its in a bottle versus draft. Those new "bottle cans" that alot of beer companies are making now are a huge mistake in my opinion. Ive got to try the sam adams summer ale...

none beer is nasty crap

Guiness or Harp is always best from the tap. Getting them from a bottle isn't even in second place.

But I'd rather have a Guiness or Harp from the bottle, over any American beer from the tap.

Beer from a tap is "usually" more fresh, it's also kept colder, and in a darker environement. Therefore heat and light are not degrading the beer..

However some harsh beers that are packaged in a bottle will actually settle down some do to the light and heat, making it an over all smoother brew...

Mine has to come from a can. I can't stand bottled beer. Too much fizz in it. Tap is always flat and you have to add salt. But everyone has their own taste; that's what makes us special!!!!

I detest any beer from a tap because of the formaldehyde they use in the kegs and taps. It assures you will have a hangover. I prefer bottles to cans just because the bottle is a smoother taste. Beer in a can picks up a metallic taste that makes the beer a little more bitter. I normally drink Miller High life, but I have found this to be true of Budwieser, Coors, etc.

Hi, I used to drink beer but i no longer do, but i think the tap beer had a weaker favor than bottle beer. Any beer you drink taste a lot better in a ice cold glass bottle.

I notice a difference when drinking beer from a bottle than a can. I don't really like either... but that is my preference... I always try to drink beer from a glass, preferably one that has been in the freezer for awhile. I also enjoy certain beers on tap... but they have to be fresh and quality to really enjoy. I think Rolling Rock is excellent beer of its type, and I often buy it when I visit states where it is available, however, I have never had it on tap.... and it is pretty good from the bottle, but again... I always find I enjoy beer from a glass the most.

Tap beer contains no preservatives. Beer in glass bottles is better than canned, hands down.

Beer from a can always tastes two degrees cooler than beer from a bottle. I don't know why, I'm not a physicist, but I am a beer drinker.

Tap is reserved for those times when I'm at the bowling alley, or sports bar, maybe a pub crawl.

I'm not a big fan of beer but I can certainly tell that all three taste different. I prefer from the bottle to the can. From the tap isn't that great to me, it seems flat.

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