Anyone else out there enjoy Lone Star Beer?!
Anyone else out there enjoy Lone Star Beer?
I mean, how can you NOT enjoy the National Beer of Texas?
I love it! There used to be this great Punk Venue/Pinball/Burger joint on the corner that had dollar Lonestars every thursday and I drank my fill.
I live in KC and sadly there are only a few places you can buy it.
Good stuff man...
EDIT: Hey chiliman, like I said, I am from Kansas City and we have a brewery here called Boulevard. They have 4 staple beers and a few seasonals. You should look for it and give it a try - it is good stuff too!
Beerman and Irish
I'm sure there are other beers. Cincinnati has finer beers. Burger Hudepohl, etc.
It's a nice pick me up beer as soon as I wake up.
get some taste buds that stuff tastes worse than bud light its disgusting stuff made my goat puke