If drinking and driving is illegal, why do bars have parking lots?!


If drinking and driving is illegal, why do bars have parking lots?

Your terminology is wrong and your automatically judging a group of people without having multiple opinions.

Drinking and driving is rarely illegal. Driving while intoxicated is illegal, and the most common form of that is alcohol related. But an intoxicated driver can take the form of a drug abuser, a sleep deprived person or even someone using over the counter medications.

Driving while intoxicated has a common BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) of around 1.0. This can be created in a drinker in as few as 3 drinks, but different tolerances and factors contribute to how much it will take you to become intoxicated.

So a casual drinker, enjoying 4 drinks over a two hour period, would not be intoxicated by the law and would therefore be available to legally drive home without recourse from the law.

And that is why bars have parking lots.

Guess so that those of us who drive and are not drinking have somewhere to put our cars. Also somewhere safe to put them if the drive decides to drink and get another form of transport home!?

Kogi? Someone named Kogi Haggardy in Bloomington In, asked the same question years ago. Google his name and see. Almost everyone who goes to bars is a drunk driver of some sort or another, for the sole reason most of them go alone because they are lonely, so not only should they prohibit a bar from haviong a parking lot, they ought to abolish bars altogether. But you see it is a big source of revenue to keep the vicious cycle going.

gud question
well......they will use a local bar(if some1 dares to stop them......but no1 will)

you can go to the bar with your driver.he do not drink with you
you can hire a taxi.which can park in the parking place.

cos u dont HAVE to drink in a bar

so the designated driver can drive the drunks home

Designated drivers, staff, people who don't drink, people there to eat or for entertainment (depending on type of establishment), people who leave their cars there all night and get a cab home, space for VIP vehicles, space other than the road for cabs to stop and pick up or drop off passengers, loading areas....

Because you should take a non-drinking friend along to ferry you and your tiddly pals home safely and comfortably in their car.

where else are the drunks going to have a wizz puke fall down or passout you wouldnt want that in the street would you

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