What are the best beers to drink in cologne?!
What are the best beers to drink in cologne?
The local beer is Kolsch, and is great (Fruh & Gaffel are my two favourites)
PS: Asking for an Alt in Cologne will probably get you lynched ..... the rivalry between Cologne & Alt brewing towns, like Dusseldorf, is that fierce you can actually buy a computer keyboard in Cologne with a "Kolsch" key replacing the "Alt" key
ALT is number one fantastic dark beer
Küpers Kolsch
All of them! In large quantities too!
i was in Cologne last year Kolsch is the only beer to drink there it comes in small glassas called stangans it's not very strong and the if you are in the company of a Baverian like we were they are very unimpressed to be honest so was I
but having said that the pubs by the river in nieue market are great fun
German beer