Am I weird for not liking alcoholic beverages?!


Am I weird for not liking alcoholic beverages?

I dont like beer, whiskey or any other alcohol really unless its mixed with so much stuff that I cant taste it.
Pretty much everyone I know likes some type of alcohol, I seem to be the only one who doesn't. Am I weird?

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3 weeks ago
Thanks for calling me names, thats what I get from alot of people. Why am I a nerd or "goody-two-shoes" just because I dont like alcohol?

3 weeks ago
Thanks for calling me names, thats what I get from alot of people. Why am I a nerd or "goody-two-shoes" just because I dont like alcohol?

nope your not,. u just happend not to like them, maybe other people dont like things that you may happend to like for example I love HIPPOS** and not everyone agrees with me that they are cute.***


No, I don't either.

you're not weird, you're just a nerd


you are not wierd. You are everyones best friend on saturday night. The DD. i love you.

no.....have you had a grsshopper yet....ooooohhhhh so damn good!

you know your not.

No, you're not weird. Your taste buds are just different. It's just like someone not liking chocolate.

Am I weird for not liking milk? Even if it were some strange anomoly, who cares? It doesn't affect anyone but you. Alcohol can be an acquired taste but if you don't like it then that's fine.

Oh and if people call you names because you don't drink then just realize the alchol they have consumed has unfortunately killed too many brain cells.

If you are tired of people asking you about it though, simply BYOB at parties (bring a non-alcholic drink with you) and at bars ask for a fruity drink made virgin.

I don't drink everytime I go out, I'm not always in the mood, and then I just order coke. No one has ever said anything to me other then "not drinking tonight?". You may just be surounded by a lot of idiots.

Not at all, i am selective on what i like/drink and I don't think that there is anything wrong/wierd with me.

It's just a individual thing!

No u'r not weird. Everybody has there preferences in life. I use to love beer but now I hate it. I then went to drinking straight vodka and southern comfort..after doing that for a year I got bored and now I only drink mixed drinks such as cranberry grape with vodka or reg. malt beverages.

It's an acquired taste for most, and for some it's a taste you never want to acquire. If you're young you may grow into it, if you're older then it may just not be for you. Either way, not weird at all.

NO! You are blessed!

no a lot of people don't like the taste of alcohol, you may like the sweet girly tasting stuff! try a midori sour when out at the club very good! it taste like lemonade!

You are probably one of the only smart ones. Alcohol causes so many problems for a lot of people and is very addictive.

If you don't like it, consider yourself lucky.

No, you are not weird. If booze doesn't appeal to you then it doesn't appeal to you.

no-I cant stand it either.
or maybe were both wierd
its an aquired taste my brother
loves the taste of beer.

ok. try this recipe for green beer:
mix 1 shot vodka, 1 shot blue curacao with 3 shots of OJ. Top up to 250ml with beer.

If you don't like that, give up on alcohol. If you do, you could be in a world of trouble....

Nope. I bartended for 10 years. Can't stand the stuff.
Truth is, your friends don't like the taste either. They just think it's cool to drink it anyway.

you are not weird, i am the same. but i get pressured into drinking it. i like them alco pop things and there is a cocktail that is quite lethal it is called a WO WO its cranberry juice, black smirnoff vodka and peach schnappes and it is gorgeous and you cant taste the alcohol!!! but no you are not weord at all.

Alcohol does taste bad. You hide the taste, most do when they start drinking. Kinda like coffee.
Eventually the bad taste becomes a thing associated with the activity so we learn t like it.
We do this with many bad tastes, chilis, sour things, tart things.
The more you drink alcohol the easier it is to tolorate the taste.

Not at all. If you don't like it, why would you drink it?

Alcohol can cause a lot of problem, and it really has no socially redeeming qualities. I feel sorry for people who have alcohol related problems. The smartest course of action is the stay away from it.


Not at all. Some people just don't like it.

Lots of people I know don't like the taste. I think the point is to make people more sociable.

i find it bitter tasting

no. i wish i didnt. i dont like beer n thats abt it. im addicted to any type of liquor tho. its good u dont like it. healthier. dont feel bad. i wish i could be like u.

No, most alcoholic beverages don't taste good. That's why when you see people taking shots the often cringe. It's an unpleasant thing.

When people say that they like an alcohol, it is because they like it better than others, but it's not like they like it more than grape kool-aid. Whiskey doesn't bother me, so it's my favorite, but I would not just drink it with a cheeseburger.

And as for beer, it really is an acquired taste. It used to seriously gross me out. But now I will just drink it when I'm thirsty. And of course I have my preferred beer brands as well.

The whole point in drinking alcohol is for the effect that it has on the body not on the taste buds.
My suggestions, if you really want to drink, experiment. Be responsible, find out what you like. Have fun! and be safe.

No, you aren't weird I'm forty-seven and don't like either and never have. To me they all taste really nasty and I just assume not partake of them. Don't let these morons get you down because they are calling you names, let them drink their beer and ignore them.

Not at all , I think it is beer not to drink usually when people drink they think there having fun , but they just get loud and obnoxious,,, not all the people some can have a few drinks and be okay... just depends ... I think you are unique,, and your parents should be proud of you with so much pier pressure these days , and you standing up for what you believe in... p.s I use to drink but I have children and I didnt like the message I was sending out to my children , I am a non-drinker...NOPE not even on holiday's.....

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