Is drinking 12 beers a night mean I'm a alcoholic ?!


Is drinking 12 beers a night mean I'm a alcoholic ?

I wish they would close down the liquor stores

Your not alone I average a case of beer a day, I consider myself a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.

Can you go without it and not crave it? If your answer was no, then yes, you're an alcoholic.

I think you know the answer. Otherwise you wouldn't have asked, and you wouldn't care if the liquor stores were open or not.

yes for sure. to both.

if your body is dependent on it, or even your mind, and it's affecting your life, then yes, you probably an alcoholic. either way, that's a bit excessive, isn't it?

It means you have a big problem

Ya, Yes, Um hum, You got it, Yes again.

I agree with the general consensus - you need to look at why you're doing this. What need is it fulfilling and get some help.

only if you get nude after you're drunk

Check it out my friend.

Drinking 12 beers a night does not mean you are an alcoholic and I resent people who think that. It all depends on how quickly you drink those 12 beers. If you take 5-6 hours or longer, they wouldn't affect you very much at all.

If you drink them in 1-2 hours, then maybe you should just slow down :)

yep. without a doubt. I'd switch to root beer or mountain dew. It'll be better for you in the long run.

Yes, l2 beers in one night is an awful lot, you are considered an alcoholic, yes you are if you do this regularly.

i'll put it this way. you wouldh't be a tea-totaler.

i'd think so...unless you're a frat guy partying it up cuz it's the end of the school year.

Yes. Would you drink 12 cans of soda? obviously you don't how to stop at 1 or 2. 12 beers before you knock out is too much in so little time.

last I checked you weren't an alcoholic until you attended meetings.

You are definitely an Alcoholic! Stop drinking before you get liver cancer.

Yes it most definitely means your and alcoholic.... You should probably see someone about it and i know because my mom used to be one and she got help and has been sober ever since! = ) If you have a depression problem you should see someone about that too. People think that alcohol helps with depression but it doesn't it actually makes depression worse!

*Good Luck-Hope this helped*

Depends if you need one in the morning as a (pick me up
)I f you do then yes you probably are,

depends do you drink alone then yess do you think you deserve or need it-yes everynight-yes once in a mhile with people-no

if you don't go to meetings then you are a drunk not an alcoholic

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