How much do you drink ?!


How much do you drink ?

i am currently drinking one bottle of red wine a night, im not dependant on alcohol i drink to unwind at the end of the day is this a normal amount or have i cause for concern?

About 6-8 pints of ale a day, sometimes with some Jaeger shots...Good stuff for the soul...As for your question is is too much, only you can answer that...just know your limits and go to work everyday and do your part, and what the hell????


ya only live once and I drink a bottle the big one every day-sometimes 2 lol

A full bottle a night? That sounds so expensive. Screw alcoholism, what about your budget?!?

I'm on my first large glass of red and it's wonderful!! So who cares, cheers!!!

I drink far too much. Some would say I'm alcoholic, but I'm not. I tend to binge drink when the mood takes me, not clever I know but there you go, I can take it or leave it, never felt dependent on it.

me not enough,you need to join the aa.

uh thats WAY too much!! you need to cut down to only a glass or 1/2 a glass a night. its ok once in a while but...
i tend to get proper out of my mind every few months instead of a little a day. its much more fun and better for you... (i hope!!)

WAY too much, unfortunately!!

I think it`s a bit too much. A couple of glasses is OK, but not the whole bottle.

everybody likes to have a drink within reason...i drink a bottle of wine almost every night...same as you to unwind...there is no cause for concern....if you get up in the morning and then want a alcoholic drink that is the time to think about getting help....enjoy

I think they say a glass of wine a day is good for you not the whole bottle but whatever helps you through the day I guess!

I don't drink alcohol.


2 beers a day after work except when I go to my college courses

your health will suffer in the end, sounds to much. respect your body.

You're not supposed to get intoxicated regularly. 2 beers a night puts me right at the edge. That's what I drink. If you feel good (drunk) after your bottle it's probably going to start doing some damage over a period of time.

I drink maybe a bottle of wine everyday. MY uncle who is eeek 87 years old is at home all day so he drinks at least eeekkk again 4 bottles of wine and smokes 5 cigars my house smells like hell

atuly that good for u hart but oley one a day

3 doubles of courvosier while checking my bills and smoking a pipe.

I quite 20 years ago. I'm proud of it too. Thanks for letting me say that.

A lot depends on your weight,food intake,etc. If you pass out every night,I'd say you need to cut back.All alcoholics are in denial that they are dependent on booze,but they can't stop.Alcohol is alcohol.It doesn't matter if it's beer,wine,vodka or cooking sherry.You might have a problem.Do you drink alone?Do you get pretty drunk on that one bottle?Are you developing a tolerance that makes you need more to attain that calm feeling?Be careful.It can sneak up on you.There is also a term called "functioning alcoholic".This person can drink like a fish at night and get up and function at work with no problem.If you have any doubts about yourself,better to talk with someone about it.Peace.

I can drink beer,but everytime, I have even tried to drink a glass of wine I got real sick.I would be hurting if I drank a whole bottle.Try to cut down to a half bottle. If you are truley concerned.Good luck!

A metric ton

I started off drinking a 6 pack of beer a night, Now I average a case. If you can stick to one bottle that's fine, Just don't turn out to be a drunk like me.

I seldom drink these days, the odd bacardi breezer now and then. I have a bit more at xmas, with meal etc.

I had red wine last night and tonight white (a bottle that is) if we wake up in the morning craving wine then you know you have gone too far hahahahahahahahhaahahahha

1 will turn into careful.
I drink too much, I think...started small (1-12 oz bottle in a night), now I can do a 6 pack/night or 3-12 packs easily in a will affect your health negatively...control it, don't let it control you!

it usually depends on the girl I am with, how many it takes to make her supermodel hot

FAR TO MUCH !!!!!!!!

To me, 1 bottle/night sounds excessive. though I am a binge drinker...not one drink for 3 weeks then bam, 5-6 in one night. So who knows...

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