How long can beer stay good without being in the refrigerator?!
How long can beer stay good without being in the refrigerator?
Most "national" brewing companies filter their beers several times. They also pasteurize their beers. Finally, they are sealed under strict no air conditions & these three things make the beer very stable. They will be best drunk within a couple of months but indeed can last much longer. (yrs? perhaps)
Craft beers are only moderatley filtered and many still contain live yeast. No craft brewers pasteurize their beers to my knowledge. These beers will be best for 6-10 weeks. After this time they begin to degrade rapidly.
Conditions that hurt beer are heat, light, excess handling-relates to package damage i.e. hole in can.
Things that improve shelf life or beer stability are the opposite of the above. Keep beer cool not ice cold.