How do I get back home after having a few drinks?!


How do I get back home after having a few drinks?

I'm thinking about having a few beers with an old friend, but I'm not sure how I will get back home tonight. I don't know anybody who would be my designated driver adn where I live, there isn't a whole lot of taxi's around. I think it in large cities, it's easier for people, because people can walk from their apartment ,or place of living, to the bar and back; unfortunatly, I don't have that advantage.

Is there someting I'm missing here?

Stay home, call your buddy on the phone, drink and talk all night. No problem. You could even turn your t.v.s on the same channel, and watch a movie together, sorta.


well, you could take a taxi but it may be expensive. Id reccomend just getting wasted then crashing at your buddies house, safest thing to do in my opinion. Drink one for me!

stay over ... just because there are no cabs is no reason to drive impaired... but you're right, it's challenging... We tried one night to do the reponsible thing and no cab would come because we were 10 min out of town.

You could crawl! No but seriously, often times the local police will bring you home free of charge, just to stop a drunken driver on the road! Check it out. And stay safe!

it will be better if u guys plan out a sleep over because i don't think there will be any way for u to go back home all drunk.. and driving drunk is not safe.

taxi or stay in a motel close by.

ask your old friend how he/she is getting home and ask for a lift.

Did you ask a friend, family member or a neighbor if they would help you out. One never knows until one asks. Now do they. I'm sure that if you were to ask nicely that someone would be willing to drive.

either walk, get a taxi or sleep it off on his couch. Worse comes to worse, you could just hang out with your buddy and not drink.

drink at home

crash out on the sofa at your friend's house until morning, then drive carefully home, after a shower and coffee.

Best bet: Call the police, and ask them for a ride home. They'll give you a free ride just so you don't end up like the rest on the road.

You could always bring another friend along, too, to be designated driver. That's always one thought.

Btw, kudos to you for thinking ahead, and not just going out and getting smashed like most of the population does.

I think if your friend wants you to go have a drink with him ask him to carsh at his house and plus who said you need to go back home you might go to the bar and meet a women\man and they might take you home and you will have athe time of your life alos you can drink sensesble and and hour or two before you plan to go home stop drinking.

Walk or call a cab. Even small towns will have a cab company.

Stumble home.

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