Is there any way to prevent hangovers?!


Is there any way to prevent hangovers?

I am so hungover and I feel horrible. I didn't feel that drunk last night, but I must have been. I've been throwing up all morning. Is there any way I can avoid this feeling?

Eat before you start drinking
Drink lots of water
Eat a banana and crackers
Don't go to sleep until an hour after your last drink
Learn your limit
Hope you feel better soon!

Pick up the yellow pages and look for a local AA meeting. You'll never be hung over again!

I don't know if it's true but I heard that if you eat butter, yes eat butter before you drink, you will not get drunk, thus, no hangovers.

Drink lots of water between alcoholic drinks, u wont get drunk and no hang over next morning:-)

Next time, a pint of water along with every drink .. now.. grape slurpee. seriously.

medical oxygen

Don't drink so much!!!

Drink a lot of water during and after and take 2 aspirin BEFORE you begin your festivities.

Here is a tip, next time do not drink so much.

I just take a motrin on my way to bed and I'm good in the morning and drink a glass full of water along with your motrin. The only thing you will want to do in the morning is eat.

I always try to drink water before I goo to bed to stay hydrated. Set my alarm 30 min. earlier than usual. have 2 aspirin and a cup of water next to my bed in the morning. Wake up, take the aspirin and water, go back to sleep. You will feel like a hundred bucks! Not a million just a hundred, Note: this is way better than you feel now.
The butter thing is to coat your stomach, but all you will do is throw up alcohol and little chunks of butter.( I also heard of vegetable oil)- Gross
Vitamin b is lost in your system when drinking so try to replenish this nutrient- A lot of energy drinks are loaded with it.

Okay you obviously don't care about what you should or should not have done last night. Right now, eat something with different stuff in it, like a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Take two aspirin and drink water. Then SLEEP. Sleeping is the only thing you can really do to get rid of it. All of the bad stuff still happens, but you are asleep and don't notice. Plus, you want to sleep, don't you? If you can't sleep (because of work, etc..) then drink coffee. You could also try downing a beer if you are planning on detting drunk again tonight. Starting early is always a good idea and you won't feel like poop anymore.

Other than "do not drink booze"
Don't drink that much.!!

The best thing about being only gets better. You can't feel worse as the day goes, only better.

You basically just need to sleep it off after taking an Advil. Here is a tip for future use: For every alcoholic drink you have, drink two glasses of water in between alcoholic drinks. Keep this system going throughout the night. When you get home take 2 tums and 1 advil and go to sleep. I have always followed this formula and it always works with my body.

Yes, don't drink alcohol.

eat while ur having a drink. and u wont get drunk that often

3 ibprof. and 2 glasses of water BEFORE you go to bed after you have had a few drinks.. always works for me and my hubbie.

Man, there is nothing worse than being hungover at work, so I feel your pain. I used to do that quite a bit myself, but, ironically (or in spite of) I got promotion after promotion and I'm at a point where I just can't pull off being hungover at work anymore.

But here's what I used to do if the water, ibu the night before thing didn't work. I would go downstairs to the fitness center, and have a 30-minute cardio workoout. I'm not kidding. The sweat would pour out of me and with it all the toxins from the alcohol. I swear sometimes I would have to remember to keep my mouth shut so no alcohol infused sweat would be ingested. Then I would take a hot shower and go back upstairs and would feel 1000 percent better (but still a little tired) more headache, no more feeling sick. Of course, drink water before during and after.

If you can't work out, go to the bathroom, find a stall, make a pillow out of the toilet paper dispenser, lay your head down and take a nap...quite, at least that's what someone told me ;)

Take some Tums before and after you drink, and right now. It is like magic I'm not even kidding you.

keep drinking!

Before you sleep, eat some food, pop 2 tylenols, and drink a lot of water. If you forget to do this, wake up, pop the tylenol, drink the water and smoke some yay.

3 advils 2 hours before you atart drinking
eat a light meal before drinking
then try to drink as much water as possible before , during, and after drinking.
if you get a hung over after this (i doubt you will if you follow this) when you wake up eat a soup that will make it better

WATER!!! lots and lots of water. The feeling your feeling is from dehydration. Always drink water before you go out and have some in between drinks and if you can muster it drink some water before you pass out. If you want a now something absorbant like bread or crackers and drink some WATER. Good luck to ya, I hope you get feeling better.

Eat before you go out. Drink lots of water in between drinks.
When you get home drink Gatorade( it helps replenish your electrolytes) and take some ibuprofen. Then sleep.

1. don't drink.
2. vomit before going to sleep. It won't solve the problem, but it will get the excess alcohol out of your gut. (yea, gross, I know, I didn't say do it in front of company)
3. eat bread before going to sleep. The bread helps to soak up the liquid so it doesn't go into the blood stream.
4. drink LOTS AND LOTS of water. A hangover is caused by dehydration.
5. drink fruit juice in the AM. Fruit juice adds vitamins to your system, as well as water, and helps take the edge off.
6. spike your morning drink with a little booze. This is a "bloody mary" type of drink--tomato juice, vodka, spices. The booze helps "soften the landing" on the morning after.
7. Did I mention don't drink?
8. Embrace the hangover and sleep it off.

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