Who is an alcoholic?!


Who is an alcoholic?

Do you think a man who drinks 8-12 cans of lager every second night or day is an alcohlic?

Wow, I hopped on here trying to find similar info to this question. My husband drinks about the same as in the question, except daily. He is in denial that he has a problem, but our relationship is in serious trouble. He drinks about that amount, and I assume when you say lager, it is probably same as what he is drinking - Beer with about 8% versus normal beers that are usually 4-5%. I am just heartsick that this is happening - I would classify it as someone who has a problem, as I believe my husband does. He is starting to back out of "family activities", which I believe is another sign. Looking for a good resource on what I should do - or someone who is in similar position as me!

Just depends on if you have to have that beer??? Can you go without it? Are you just drinking out of bordom or something deeper?

Alcoholism has little to do with the amount you consume, more to do with what you do after and during consumption.
Also if you can not function normally without alcohol or without thinking of alcohol

That's a pretty dag on good amount of alcohol to have every day/night.

no it all depends if he/she is dependent on it, i drink every night but i dont class myself as an alcoholic i just enjoy a drink
and it also depends if the person is drinking to get drunk

Depends, a mans that HAS to drink this amount is an alcoholic,

No I drink a average of a case a day, I consider myself a drunk. Alcoholics go to meeting's

Hic, whatsh wrong with that, I'm pished already!

It's more about dependency and how it affects your daily life than an amount

im not a alcoholic,but someone who drinks that much is.

an alcoholic is a person addicted to alcohol so if he craves it then maybe but i don't think he is but he DOES have a problem with alcohol!!

I would ask your friend if he feels more 'human' after having a drink?

If the honest answer is 'yes' then he has a big problem.

More pertinent is the amount of health problems he is storing up for the future.

From ulcers to heart and liver disease to name but a few.

My guess is your friend is like me, an alcoholic.

hell yah

I dont think I can give you a true answer ,but I have read that much about the perils of the demon drink that I've given up reading and feel a lot better for it !

ohh, you know I have one of those indoors, thank you for that.

I think that is a lot to drink in one day. He may just have just a small problem, but to put it out there I really don't feel like there is anything wrong with having a drink occasionally.

key indicators for addiction...

too much time spent on it,
too much money,
can't stop,
affecting performance,
spends time drinking not with family of friends,
withdrawal symptoms,...

yes ,,an alcaholic is some one who cannot go a full week or even 24 hours without a fix of alcahol,,,,,,,,i hope this answers your question,,,,

think u would have to be drinking something stronger but shouldnt need to be drinking that much or that often

i think so

I don`t have the right to answer that. Their are so many different types of alcoholics. Some people are periodical alcoholics, they can go for 6 mos. without drinking or two yrs. but when they do drink it has devastating effects. Their are maintenance alcoholics that can drink just enough to maintain a high without getting drunk. Then there are functional alcoholics who get up everyday go to work but when they get home drink every night but never let it interfere with his everyday functions. Their are closet alcoholics, I can go on & on but you get the idea. If you want my oppinion yes he is an alcoholic.

that means having problems with alcohol and therefore be an alcoholic.
rescue yourself before it too late!

Welcome to the club.

Everyone who has a problem drinking alcohol and takes it to excess is an "alcoholic." Alcoholism is a disease and once your body gets to a point where it craves alcohol, then you will always have a concern about getting "hooked" all over again... even if you clean up your act and have just "one drink" ten years later. Alcohol has a nasty way of changing a person's body chemistry to that of "needing it."


Has nothing to do with how much you drink, you're only an alcoholic if you say you are and go to the meetings.

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