Three things I'm wondering here. What can you tell me?!


Three things I'm wondering here. What can you tell me?

First off, I once got shorted a McChicken at McDonald's when I ordered 2 or 3 of them. I didn't go back and mention because I figured it'd be their word against mine.

1) What could I have done to try to get that problem fixed?

2) How would you have reacted if the exact same thing happened to you?

3) How would WWE's "Stone Cold" Steve Austin or Umaga react to this exact same scenario?

A. You can't resolve it unless you are still at the register/drivethru window.

B. I would take it as a sign from the universe that I was not supposed to eat that 3rd McDonald's sandwich.

C. Stone Cold Stunner

First: I would have gone RIGHT BACK with the bag and receipt to get it resolved.

Second: Same as above.

Third: Don't have a clue.

Easy fix here, look in your bag of goodies prior to pulling out of the drive thru. ;0) I think the guys you mentioned would have looked in the sack--then you hand it back and with a smile say oops. Everyone can make a mistake.

I would take a swig out of my beer. Go back in and flip out.

call and talk to the manager they'll give you free food . They may want to see a reciept .

they will always give you what you ordered without any problems when you return

I always check before leaving the place that I got exactly what ordered. So I would've noticed that I was missing a McChicken and would've ask for it, so problem solved.
*** Even if I had not checked my bag I would've gone right back and asked for it with my receipt...
The above answers q. 1 & 2 about # 3 what the heck do I know.

You just go back and say hey I ordered this this is what I got blah blah blah - I usually don't have the time to look till I get home and by then it's too late and I just suck it up - Umaga would yell at them in that Samoan speak thing he does and Stone Cold would probably spit beer in their face :) Love Steve Austin

If you are not sure if you ordered two or three of them, how do you know that you were shorted??
You did ask this question under wine, beer and spirits, you know! Maybe you were to drunk to know what you ordered or if you were short at all!
By the way, how old are you? If you just made a mistake I apoligize, I do that too! I just did not too long ago. My question went under gays and lesbians!! HAHA!! But I don't think I can change it!!
As far as wrestling goes, they wouldn't put up with no SH*T!! Sorry about the language!!

1. You could have done nothing.
2. I would have done nothing.
3. Stone Cold would park his truck in front of the McDonald's, walk in calmly and ask for the manager. He then would grab the manager over the counter by the neck, pull him over and choke slam him on the cash register. He would then sort through the money taking out exactly what he paid for his entire meal. He then would grab the injured manager..pull him up by the neck...and say "next time I'm here there better be a case of Budweiser waiting for me." The manger would moan "OK Sir". Stone Cold would then say "never let it happen again". He would get back in his car and peel out his tires in the parking lot.

Oh, Umaga would just eat all the Big Macs.

1) assume an attack posture and threaten to go all OJ on their as*es if they didn't give you your McChicken
2) Same as 1
3) Stone who... ?

1. i would have gone back and said something.
2. i have gone back sometimes when they forget a nugget...its happened a few times and they usually give me a free box of 4 or 6 nuggets.
3. probably hit someone.

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