How do u know when u r drunk?!


How do u know when u r drunk?

people say tht they r drunk but how do they really know tht they themselves r drunk


you feel reeeaally warm, even when its cold out. Beer will just do it in your stomach because there isnt as much alcohol but hard liquour gets your whole body up. You can also get a headrush more easily from standing up, you can also lose your balance easier once you have drank too many. Other 'sypmtoms' include things like laughing at nothing, being quick to anger, being horny or easy, and talking really slow, but these dont happen to everyone.

Different people take different amounts to get drunk, "leightweights" will only need one or two for a good buzz and then 3 to be drunk, whereas i have seen other people chug an entire 40 oz. bottle of tequila like it was water(this will make most people pass out)

If you want to experience it yourself, have two drinks, and then another every half hour until you are buzzed/tipsy (look them up on if you dont know) then have one more to be drunk. If your just by yourself at home dont overdo it but if you are at a party you can do more if you want, just make sure you dont do anything to get you in trouble.

Sometimes, you cant know when people are drunk. Lots of girls will say they are extreme lightweights and can get drunk off one beer. LIES!! They dont actually want to drink but want people to like them so they pretend. If you try anything on these girls they WILL remember it tomorrow and they WILL be mad at you later because they dont know what it means to be drunk, which is a big problem because these can often be the hot ones. The only way to get around their trickery is to play drinking games with her friends and then get her to play too. If she says no, then you know she is just afraid to be drunk, but if she says yes then she is ok with doing more. After she loses a couple times you just have to get her back away from her friends, and once again, dont do anything that will get you in trouble(nothing past second base, maaaybe third but only in the right situation. save the lay for a real partier who doesnt care)

i hope that answers your question

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