I only smoke when i drink. But when i do.. i chain smoke. How harmful is this?!


I only smoke when i drink. But when i do.. i chain smoke. How harmful is this?

I never crave a ciggarette during the day, or when i'm sober, or otherwise. But when i drink, I some excessively. Is anyone else like this? Should i be very concerned. Used to be once every few months.. but now that i am home for the summer, it is once or twice a week. Please give me some insight!!!

I am a smoker so me posting this answer is for me too;

There's no way around it. Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. Cigarette smoking causes 87 percent of lung cancer deaths. It is also responsible for many other cancers and health problems. These include lung disease, heart and blood vessel disease, stroke and cataracts. Women who smoke have a greater chance of certain pregnancy problems or having a baby die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Your smoke is also bad for other people - they breathe in your smoke secondhand and can get many of the same problems as smokers do.

Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of these problems. The earlier you quit, the greater the health benefit

( Trust me I keep trying to quit. Hopefully one day I will just put them down.)


You obviously are a social smoker, and all smoke is dangerous. Each time you light a cigarette, ask yourself, is this the one that will trigger of the cancer, maybe you will quit.
From another social smoker.

anytime you take a puff on a cigg it's doing damage to you. i do the same, and i can easly do a pack a night if i'm doing some good dirnking and hanging out with other smokers.....which is a LOT of chemicals and what not that are bad for you to be entering your system. my dad recently had a lung cancer scare and when he told the dr he had bearly smoked for three years the dr said that that was more then enough to cause cancer. if you don't want to harm yourself the best is to stop.

Ι don't believe that 5-10 cigarettes a day are harmful for health,my opinion is that smoking a little, is good because you calm.
A lot of people smoking like you with coffe or alc.,it's ok.
Finaly,i am not the person tells the others stop e.g.,if you enjoy smoking don't stop,if you smoke as a habbit stop.

I wouldn't worry if you're young, smoking like that before 30 wont do anything, if you can quit.

it is harmful 2 u - but just thing it could be worse - i used to smoke all the time whenever i would drink - hell i still wanna smoke when i drink - u just hafta find a way to keep ur hands busy so that u dont get the urge to smoke - cuz i know with me as long as i was doin something i was ok w/o smoking

Hi,What is your objective...if your objective is suicide then that the way to achieve it...otherwise..look for the the right solution.. Make sense?

yep i think is harmfull

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