What is the UK drink driving limit?!


What is the UK drink driving limit?

My boss has two pints of lager on a Friday night within about half an hour to 40 minutes and then drives straight home. I reckon he must be over the limit. What do you all think?

It depends on so many things like, weight, what he's eaten, metabolism, strength of lager etc. Safest is not to drink at all.

No way he's well under! that two pint rule is total rubbish I know people that have had 8 pints and still passed the roadside test! sorry to burst your bubble dear! I notice all the thumbs downs are from people who've never had the test ! pathetic people. Anyway if you THOUGHT he was over the limit why didn't you phone the Police? You though you'd ask a question on here instead! how public spirited of you dear!

It's different for everyone. Some people are totally pi**ed on 2 pints where as others have no effect.
The sensible thing is to not drink alcohol at all if you are driving!

Dont drink and drive, the two do not blend well together.
As they say, speed that thrills kills.

I love a good drink- but personally I feel drinking and driving should be banned totally. I mean sometimes I have a glass of wine and feel fine- other times, it knocks me out.

Also if you have 8 pints the night before- don't expect to be sober to drive in the morning- we all need to be responsible.

'The legal limit in the UK is 80 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.
But there is no fail safe guide as to how much you can drink and stay under the limit'. Quote from UK government guidelines.

Don't drink if you've got your car keys with you I'd say- because it's after a few you lose your sense of rationality. If your boss was breathelised, he may be just within the limits, but it's never a good idea. Also, some lagers are 3% alcohol and some are nearly 6%- which is another factor.

It only takes one glass of wine to get me thoroughly stupid, so I wouldn't want to get in a car with anyone who had drunk anything on that basis! I don't drive though so I don't have to worry about myself. And I am an exception - I don't weigh much, I graze rather than have meals, I am on medication, and I only drink the odd glass of something two or three times a year. So if I weren't so paranoid about alcoholism I'd say that it is unlikely that a man would be unsafe to drive having drunk the small quantities that I consume. I would be wary about two pints though - even back in my youth when I drank a lot more often, weighed more and wasn't on meds I still got tipsy after two pints - drinks that come by the pint tend to hit harder and faster than the equivilent amount of units in shots would.

Your boss is probably just over the limit!

The 2 pint rule is no longer applicable & if stopped he will probably get the min 12 month ban or 6 months in prison (dept on previous offences)

You can now only drink 1 pint of strong larger (ie Stella) or 1 & 1/2 pints of weak beer (below 3.5%)

The legal limit is 2 units (0.4mg/l) & the average Pint is 1.5 units!

Each person has a different metabolism so will process alcohol at different rates but this is the general rule: 1 unit takes 1 hour to process through the body - however the 1st unit of the day will always take 2 hours to process ie. 5 units = 6hrs processing etc...

Talk to your boss before he does either himself or someone else some serious damage - & for what, a cheeky pint before home time??! What a waste!

I dont really know but I am completely biased so I am going say to you are completely right and say he is way over the limit.

the same amount that the dumb old slag who knocked me off my motorbike at a roundabout and drove off as i crawled onto the grass verge. she got stopped 3 miles down the road tested positive as over the limit by .2 she got a fine and 6 points i'm still recovering from it. dont ever drink and drive.

Dont drink and drive....simple.

Simple. law should be changed do not drink and drive. It's not just your life that you affect.

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